Microsoft.Quantum.Preparation namespace


This documentation refers to the Classic QDK, which has been replaced by the Modern QDK.

Please see for the API documentation for the Modern QDK.

This namespace contains functions and operations for preparing qubits into arbitrary initial states.


Name Summary
ApproximatelyPrepareArbitraryState > [!WARNING]
ApproximatelyPrepareArbitraryStateCP Given a set of coefficients and a little-endian encoded quantum register, prepares an state on that register described by the given coefficients, up to a given approximation tolerance.
ApproximatelyPrepareArbitraryStateD Given a set of coefficients and a little-endian encoded quantum register, prepares an state on that register described by the given coefficients, up to a given approximation tolerance.
PrepareArbitraryState > [!WARNING]
PrepareArbitraryStateCP Given a set of coefficients and a little-endian encoded quantum register, prepares an state on that register described by the given coefficients.
PrepareArbitraryStateD Given a set of coefficients and a little-endian encoded quantum register, prepares an state on that register described by the given coefficients.
PrepareChoiState Prepares the Choi–Jamiołkowski state for a given operation onto given reference and target registers.
PrepareChoiStateA Prepares the Choi–Jamiołkowski state for a given operation with an adjoint variant onto given reference and target registers.
PrepareChoiStateC Prepares the Choi–Jamiołkowski state for a given operation with a controlled variant onto given reference and target registers.
PrepareChoiStateCA Prepares the Choi–Jamiołkowski state for a given operation with both controlled and adjoint variants onto given reference and target registers.
PrepareEntangledState Pairwise entangles two qubit registers.
PrepareIdentity Given a register, prepares that register in the maximally mixed state.
PreparePauliEigenstate Prepares a qubit in the positive eigenstate of a given Pauli operator. If the identity operator is given, then the qubit is prepared in the maximally mixed state.
PrepareQubit > [!WARNING]
PrepareSingleQubitIdentity Prepares a qubit in the maximally mixed state.
PrepareUniformSuperposition Creates a uniform superposition over states that encode 0 through nIndices - 1.
_PrepareAmplitudesFromZeroState Given a set of coefficients and a little-endian encoded quantum register of unentangled qubits, all of which are in zero state, prepares a state on that register described by the given coefficients. Uses state emulation if supported by the target.


Name Summary
BlochSphereCoordinates Computes the Bloch sphere coordinates for a single-qubit state.
PurifiedMixedState Returns an operation that prepares a a purification of a given mixed state.
PurifiedMixedStateRequirements Returns the total number of qubits that must be allocated in order to apply the operation returned by PurifiedMixedState function.
PurifiedMixedStateWithData Returns an operation that prepares a a purification of a given mixed
QuantumROM > [!WARNING]
QuantumROMQubitCount > [!WARNING]
StatePreparationComplexCoefficients > [!WARNING]
StatePreparationPositiveCoefficients > [!WARNING]

User-defined types

Name Summary
MixedStatePreparation Represents a particular mixed state that can be prepared on an index and a garbage register.
MixedStatePreparationRequirements Represents the number of qubits required in order to prepare a given mixed state.