TrotterStep function


This documentation refers to the Classic QDK, which has been replaced by the Modern QDK.

Please see for the API documentation for the Modern QDK.

Namespace: Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation

Package: Microsoft.Quantum.Standard

Implements a single time-step of time-evolution by the system described in an EvolutionGenerator using a Trotter–Suzuki decomposition.

function TrotterStep (evolutionGenerator : Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.EvolutionGenerator, trotterOrder : Int, trotterStepSize : Double) : (Qubit[] => Unit is Adj + Ctl)


evolutionGenerator : EvolutionGenerator

A complete description of the system to be simulated.

trotterOrder : Int

Order of Trotter integrator. This must be either 1 or an even number.

trotterStepSize : Double

Duration of simulated time-evolution in single Trotter step.

Output : Qubit[] => Unit is Adj + Ctl

Unitary operation that approximates a single step of time-evolution for duration trotterStepSize.


For more on the Trotter–Suzuki decomposition, see Time-Ordered Composition.