Use Role Management Policies to manage rules for each role within each resource

Role Management Policies help you govern the rules for any role eligibility request or role assignment request. For example, you can set the maximum duration for which an assignment can be active, or you can even allow permanent assignment. You can update the notification settings for each assignment. You can also set approvers for each role activation.

List role management policies for a resource

To list role management policies, you can use Role Management Policies - List For Scope REST API. To refine your results, you specify a scope and an optional filter. To call the API, you must have access to the Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/read operation at the specified scope. All built-in roles are granted access to this operation.


You do not need to Create role management policies as each role within each resource has a default policy

  1. Start with the following request:

  2. Within the URI, replace {scope} with the scope for which you want to list the role management policies.

    Scope Type
    providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/{mg-name} Management Group
    subscriptions/{subscriptionId} Subscription
    subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup1 Resource group
    subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup1/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/mysite1 Resource
  3. Replace {filter} with the condition that you want to apply to filter the role assignment list.

    Filter Description
    $filter=roleDefinitionId%20eq%20'{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/{roleDefinitionId}' List role management policy for a specified role definition within the resource scope.

Update a role management policy

  1. Choose the rule(s) that you want to update. These are the types of rule -

    Rule Type Description
    RoleManagementPolicyEnablementRule Enable MFA, Justification on assignments or Ticketing information
    RoleManagementPolicyExpirationRule Specify maximum duration of a role assignment or activation
    RoleManagementPolicyNotificationRule Configure email notification settings for assignments, activations and approvals
    RoleManagementPolicyApprovalRule Configure approval settings for a role activation
    RoleManagementPolicyAuthenticationContextRule Configure the ACRS rule for Conditional Access Policy
  2. Use the following request:

      "properties": {
        "rules": [
            "isExpirationRequired": false,
            "maximumDuration": "P180D",
            "id": "Expiration_Admin_Eligibility",
            "ruleType": "RoleManagementPolicyExpirationRule",
            "target": {
              "caller": "Admin",
              "operations": [
              "level": "Eligibility",
              "targetObjects": null,
              "inheritableSettings": null,
              "enforcedSettings": null
            "notificationType": "Email",
            "recipientType": "Admin",
            "isDefaultRecipientsEnabled": false,
            "notificationLevel": "Critical",
            "notificationRecipients": [
            "id": "Notification_Admin_Admin_Eligibility",
            "ruleType": "RoleManagementPolicyNotificationRule",
            "target": {
              "caller": "Admin",
              "operations": [
              "level": "Eligibility",
              "targetObjects": null,
              "inheritableSettings": null,
              "enforcedSettings": null
            "enabledRules": [
            "id": "Enablement_EndUser_Assignment",
            "ruleType": "RoleManagementPolicyEnablementRule",
            "target": {
              "caller": "EndUser",
              "operations": [
              "level": "Assignment",
              "targetObjects": null,
              "inheritableSettings": null,
              "enforcedSettings": null
            "setting": {
              "isApprovalRequired": true,
              "isApprovalRequiredForExtension": false,
              "isRequestorJustificationRequired": true,
              "approvalMode": "SingleStage",
              "approvalStages": [
                  "approvalStageTimeOutInDays": 1,
                  "isApproverJustificationRequired": true,
                  "escalationTimeInMinutes": 0,
                  "primaryApprovers": [
                      "id": "2385b0f3-5fa9-43cf-8ca4-b01dc97298cd",
                      "description": "amansw_new_group",
                      "isBackup": false,
                      "userType": "Group"
                  "isEscalationEnabled": false,
                  "escalationApprovers": null
            "id": "Approval_EndUser_Assignment",
            "ruleType": "RoleManagementPolicyApprovalRule",
            "target": {
              "caller": "EndUser",
              "operations": [
              "level": "Assignment",
              "targetObjects": null,
              "inheritableSettings": null,
              "enforcedSettings": null