Batch Status and Error Codes

REST API operations for the Batch service return standard HTTP status codes, as defined in the HTTP/1.1 Status Code Definitions.

API operations may also return additional error information to provide the developer with more information about the error. For example, the following error response indicates that a query parameter specified on the request URI was invalid, and provides additional information about the invalid parameter’s name and value and the reason for the error.

  "code": "InvalidQueryParameterValue",
  "message": {
      "lang": "en-us",
      "value": "Value for one of the query parameters specified in the request URI is invalid"
  "values": [{
      "key": "QueryParameterName",
      "value": "state"
  }, {
      "key": "QueryParameterValue",
      "value": "deleted"
  }, {
      "key": "Reason",
      "value": "invalid state"

The following sections provide lists of error codes for the Batch service:

Common REST API Error Codes

The error codes listed in the following table may be returned by an operation on the Batch service.

Error code HTTP status code User message
ConditionNotMet Not Modified (304) The condition specified in the conditional header(s) was not met for a read operation.
MissingRequiredHeader Bad Request (400) A required HTTP header was not specified.
MissingRequiredProperty Bad Request (400) A required property was not specified in the request body.
UnsupportedHeader Bad Request (400) One of the HTTP headers specified in the request is not supported.
UnsupportedProperty Bad Request (400) One of the properties specified in the request body is not supported.
InvalidHeaderValue Bad Request (400) The value provided for one of the HTTP headers was not in the correct format.
InvalidPropertyValue Bad Request (400) The value provided for one of the property in the request body is invalid.
MissingRequiredQueryParameter Bad Request (400) A required query parameter was not specified for this request.
UnsupportedQueryParameter Bad Request (400) One of the query parameters specified in the request URI is not supported.
InvalidQueryParameterValue Bad Request (400) An invalid value was specified for one of the query parameters in the request URI.
OutOfRangeQueryParameterValue Bad Request (400) A query parameter specified in the request URI is outside the permissible range.
RequestUrlFailedToParse Bad Request (400) The url in the request could not be parsed.
InvalidUri Bad Request (400) The requested URI does not represent any resource on the server.
InvalidHttpVerb Bad Request (400) The HTTP verb specified was not recognized by the server.
EmptyMetadataKey Bad Request (400) The key for one of the metadata key-value pairs is empty.
InvalidRequestBody Bad Request (400) The specified Request Body is not syntactically valid.
OutOfRangeInput Bad Request (400) One of the request inputs is out of range.
InvalidAuthenticationInfo Bad Request (400) The authentication information was not provided in the correct format. Verify the value of Authorization header.
InvalidInput Bad Request (400) One of the request inputs is not valid.
InvalidMetadata Bad Request (400) The specified metadata is invalid. It includes characters that are not permitted.
MetadataTooLarge Bad Request (400) The size of the specified metadata exceeds the maximum size permitted.
MultipleConditionHeadersNotSupported Bad Request (400) Multiple condition headers are not supported.
AuthenticationFailed Forbidden (403) The server failed to authenticate the request. Verify that the value of Authorization header is formed correctly and includes the signature.
InsufficientAccountPermissions Forbidden (403) The account being accessed does not have sufficient permissions to execute this operation.
AccountIsDisabled Forbidden (403) The specified account is disabled.
ResourceNotFound Not Found (404) The specified resource does not exist.
UnsupportedHttpVerb Method Not Allowed (405) The resource doesn't support the specified HTTP verb.
MissingContentLengthHeader Length Required (411) The Content-Length header was not specified.
ConditionNotMet Precondition Failed (412) The condition specified in the conditional header(s) was not met for a write operation.
RequestBodyTooLarge Request Entity Too Large (413) The size of the request body exceeds the maximum size permitted.
InvalidRange Requested Range Not Satisfiable (416) The range specified is invalid for the current size of the resource.
InternalError Internal Server Error (500) The server encountered an internal error. Please retry the request.
OperationTimedOut Internal Server Error (500) The operation could not be completed within the permitted time.
ServerBusy Service Unavailable (503) The server is currently unable to receive requests. Please retry your request.

Batch Service Error Codes

The error codes listed in the following table may be returned by an operation on the Batch service.

Error code HTTP status code User message
UnsupportedRequestVersion BadRequest (400) The specified request version is not supported.
InvalidAutoScalingSettings BadRequest (400) The specified auto-scaling settings are not valid.
AutoScalingFormulaSyntaxError BadRequest (400) The specified auto-scaling formula has a syntax error.
AutoScalingFormulaTooLong BadRequest (400) The specified auto-scaling formula exceeds lengths limit.
OSVersionNotFound BadRequest (400) The specified OS Version does not exists.
OSVersionDisabled BadRequest (400) The specified OS Version is disabled.
OSVersionExpired BadRequest (400) The specified OS Version is expired.
PoolVersionEqualsUpgradeVersion BadRequest (400) The pool is already with the given version.
PoolNotEligibleForOSVersionUpgrade BadRequest (400) The specified pool is not eligible for OS Version upgrade.
PoolNotFound NotFound (404) The specified pool does not exist.
NodeNotFound NotFound (404) The specified node does not exist.
JobScheduleNotFound NotFound (404) The specified job schedule does not exist.
JobNotFound NotFound (404) The specified job does not exist.
TaskNotFound NotFound (404) The specified task does not exist.
FileNotFound NotFound (404) The specified file does not exist.
NodeUserNotFound NotFound (404) The specified node user does not exist.
CertificateNotFound NotFound (404) The specified certificate does not exist.
JobPreparationTaskNotRunOnNode NotFound (404) The job preparation task did not run on the specified node.
JobReleaseTaskNotRunOnNode NotFound (404) The job release task did not run on the specified node.
NodeAgentSKUNotFound NotFound (404) The specified Node Agent SKU does not exist.
OperationInvalidForCurrentState Conflict (409) The specified operation is not valid for the current state of the resource.
PoolBeingDeleted Conflict (409) The specified pool has been marked for deletion and is being reclaimed.
PoolBeingResized Conflict (409) The specified pool is being resized
PoolBeingCreated Conflict (409) The specified pool is being created.
NodeBeingCreated Conflict (409) The specified node is being created
NodeBeingStarted Conflict (409) The specified node is being started
NodeBeingReimaged Conflict (409) The specified node is being reimaged
NodeBeingRebooted Conflict (409) The specified node is being rebooted
NodeStateUnusable Conflict (409) The state of the specified node is unusable
JobScheduleBeingTerminated Conflict (409) The specified job schedule is being terminated.
JobScheduleBeingDeleted Conflict (409) The specified job schedule has been marked for deletion and is being reclaimed.
CertificateBeingDeleted Conflict (409) The specified certificate has been marked for deletion and is being deleted.
PoolExists Conflict (409) The specified pool already exists.
JobScheduleExists Conflict (409) The specified job schedule already exists.
NodeUserExists Conflict (409) The specified node user already exists.
JobExists Conflict (409) The specified job already exists.
NodeUserExists Conflict (409) The specified node user already exists.
CertificateExists Conflict (409) The specified certificate already exists.
JobScheduleDisabled Conflict (409) The specified job schedule is disabled.
JobScheduleCompleted Conflict (409) The specified job schedule is already in completed state.
JobBeingTerminated Conflict (409) The specified job is being terminated.
JobBeingDeleted Conflict (409) The specified job has been marked for deletion and is being garbage collected.
JobDisabled Conflict (409) The specified job is disabled.
JobCompleted Conflict (409) The specified job is already in a completed state.
JobNotActive Conflict (409) The specified job is not in active state.
TaskExists Conflict (409) The specified task already exists.
TaskCompleted Conflict (409) The specified task is already in a completed state.
TaskNotCompleted Conflict (409) The specified task is not in a completed state, and the requested operation can be performed only on completed tasks.
TaskSucceeded Conflict (409) The specified task has already completed successfully, and the requested operation cannot be performed on successful tasks.
TaskFilesUnavailable Conflict (409) The files of the specified task are unavailable.
TaskFilesCleanedup Conflict (409) The files of the specified task are cleanedup.
ActiveJobAndScheduleQuotaReached Conflict (409) Active job and schedule quota for the account has been reached.
PoolQuotaReached Conflict (409) Pool quota for the account has been reached.
UpgradePoolVersionConflict Conflict (409) The pool is already upgrading to a different version.
JobPreparationTaskNotSpecified Conflict (409) The specified job does not have job preparation task.
JobReleaseTaskNotSpecified Conflict (409) The specified job does not have job release task.
TaskIdSameAsJobPreparationTask Conflict (409) The specified task id is same as the job preparation task.
TaskIdSameAsJobReleaseTask Conflict (409) The specified task id is same as the job release task.
JobWithSameIdExists Conflict (409) A job with the specified job schedule id exists. Job and job schedule cannot have the same id.
JobScheduleWithSameIdExists Conflict (409) A job schedule with the specified job id exists. Job and job schedule cannot have the same id.
NodeAlreadyInTargetSchedulingState Conflict (409) The specified node is already in the target scheduling state.
OperationNotValidOnNode Conflict (409) The specified operation is not valid on the node.
OperationNotValidOnPool Conflict (409) The specified operation is not valid on the pool.
IOError Forbidden (403) An I/O error occurred when accessing the specified resource.
TooManyEnableAutoScaleRequests ServiceUnavailable (503) Too many Enable Pool AutoScale requests are issued on the pool.
ApplicationNotFound Not Found (404) The specified application does not exist.
InvalidApplicationPackageReferences Conflict (409) One or more application package references could not be satisfied. This occurs if the application id or version does not exist or is not active, or if the reference did not specify a version and there is no default version configured.
TaskDependenciesNotSpecifiedOnJob Bad Request (400) A task was specified as depending on other tasks, but the job did not specify that it would use task dependencies.
TaskDependencyListTooLong Bad Request (400) A task was specified as depending on other tasks, but the list of dependencies was too long to be stored. The total stored length is limited to 64000 characters; the total length of task ids must be slightly less than this to allow for internal storage overhead. If you encounter this error, consider using task range dependencies instead.
TaskDependencyRangesTooLong Bad Request (400) A task was specified as depending on multiple ranges of task ids, and the list of ranges was too long to be stored. Note that the issue is not with the size of ranges, but with the number of ranges.

Job/Task Scheduling Error Codes

If the Batch service encounters an error when starting a task on a node, it marks the task as completed. The error information is returned within a failureInfo element in the response body of List the files associated with a task and Get information about a task APIs.

Similarly, if the Batch service encounters an error while starting the job, it marks the job as completed. This scheduling error information is returned within a schedulingError element in the response body of Get information about a job in Batch APIs.

The following table provides the list of categories for task scheduling errors.

Category Description
UserError Errors in the task specification provided by the user.
ServerError Errors encountered by the Batch service that prevent it from scheduling the task.

Below is a sample pre-processing error returned by the Batch service.

  "preProcessingError": {
    "category": "UserError",
    "code": "BlobNotFound",
    "message": "The specified blob does not exist.",
    "values": {
      "name": "FilePath",
      "value": "myfile.txt"

The following table provides the list of job scheduling error codes that may be returned by the Batch service.

Error code Category User message
InvalidCertificatesInAutoPool UserError The specified certificate references in the auto pool specification are not valid.
AutoPoolCreationFailedWithQuotaReached UserError The pool quota for the account is reached.
InvalidApplicationPackageReferencesInAutoPool UserError One or more application packages specified for the pool are invalid.
InvalidAutoScaleFormulaInAutoPool UserError The specified auto-scaling settings are not valid.
InvalidAutoPoolSettings UserError The specified autopool settings are not valid.
JobBeingTerminated UserError Task cannot be started because the associated job is being terminated.
Unknown ServerError An unknown scheduling error has occurred.

The following table provides the list of task scheduling error codes that may be returned by the Batch service.

Error code Category User message
BlobNotFound UserError One of the specified Azure Blob(s) is not found.
BlobAccessDenied UserError Access for one of the specified Azure Blob(s) is denied.
BlobDownloadTimedOut ServerError Timeout encountered while downloading one of the specified Azure Blob(s).
BlobDownloadMiscError ServerError Miscellaneous error encountered while downloading one of the specified Azure Blob(s).
ResourceDirectoryCreateFailed ServerError Failure encountered creating resource directory for the task.
ResourceFileCreateFailed ServerError Failure encountered creating resource file.
ResourceFileWriteFailed ServerError Failure encountered writing resource file.
CommandProgramNotFound UserError The specified command program is not found.
CommandLaunchFailed UserError Failed to launch the specified command line.
TaskEnded UserError Task was ended by user request.
MaxInternalRetryCountReached UserError The specified task has reached maximum internal retry count.
TaskSchedulingConstraintFailed UserError Task cannot be scheduled on the pool associated with the job
DiskFull ServerError There is not enough disk space on the node that was selected to run the task.
Unknown ServerError An unknown scheduling error has occurred.