Get Reserved Instance usage for enterprise customers


On May 1st, 2024, Azure Enterprise Reporting APIs will be retired. Any remaining Enterprise Reporting APIs will stop responding to requests. Customers need to transition to using Microsoft Cost Management APIs before then. To learn more, see Migrate from Azure Enterprise Reporting to Microsoft Cost Management APIs overview.

The Reserved Instance usage API returns the usage of the Reserved Instance purchases within an enrollment. If there are more than one Reserved Instances in an enrollment, you can get the usage of all the Reserved Instance purchases using this API.

Request for Reserved Instance usage details

See the Overview of Reporting APIs for Enterprise customers article to learn about required common header properties.

Method Request URI

Usage details response

    "reservationOrderId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "reservationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "usageDate": "2018-02-01T00:00:00",
    "skuName": "Standard_F2s",
    "instanceId": "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/resourvegroup1/providers/microsoft.compute/virtualmachines/VM1",
    "totalReservedQuantity": 18.000000000000000,
    "reservedHours": 432.000000000000000,
    "usedHours": 400.000000000000000

Response property definitions

Property Name Type Description
reservationOrderId string The reservation order ID is the identifier for a reservation purchase. Each reservation order ID represents a single purchase transaction. A reservation order contains reservations. The reservation order specifies the VM size and region for the reservations.
reservationId string The reservation ID is the identifier of a reservation within a reservation order. Each reservation is the grouping for applying the benefit scope and also specifies the number of instances to which the reservation benefit can be applied to.
usageDate string The date on which consumption occurred.
skuName string This is the Azure Resource Manager Sku name. It can be used to join with the servicetype field in additionalInfo in usage records.
instanceId string This identifier is the name of the resource or the fully qualified Resource ID.
totalReservedQuantity string This is the total count of instances that are reserved for the reservation ID.
reservedHours decimal This is the total hours reserved for the day. For example, if reservation for 1 instance was made on 1 PM, reserved hours will be 11 hours for first day and 24 hours for subsequent days.
usedHours decimal This is the total hours used by the instance.

Request for Reserved Instance usage summary

See the Overview of Reporting APIs for Enterprise customers article to learn about required common header properties. The API supports reservation utilization for daily and monthly grain. Startdate and EndDate parameters are not required for monthly data.

Method Request URI

Usage summary response

        "reservationOrderId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "reservationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "skuName": "Standard_F1s",
        "reservedHours": 24,
        "usageDate": "2018-05-01T00:00:00",
        "usedHours": 23,
        "minUtilizationPercentage": 0,
        "avgUtilizationPercentage": 95.83,
        "maxUtilizationPercentage": 100

Response property definitions

Property Name Type Description
reservationOrderId string The reservation order ID is the identifier for a reservation purchase. Each reservation order ID represents a single purchase transaction. A reservation order contains reservations. The reservation order specifies the VM size and region for the reservations.
reservationId string The reservation ID is the identifier of a reservation within a reservation order. Each reservation is the grouping for applying the benefit scope and also specifies the number of instances to which the reservation benefit can be applied to.
usageDate string The date on which consumption occurred.
skuName string String representing the purchased resource.
reservedHours decimal The total hours reserved for the day. For example, if reservation for 1 instance was made on 1 PM, reserved hours will be 11 hours for first day and 24 hours for subsequent days.
usedHours decimal The total hours used by the instance.
minUtilizationPercentage double The minimum utilization percentage on a given day. If you purchase one reservation and have one VM running for 23 hours, the value is 0.
avgUtilizationPercentage double The Average utilization percentage on a given day. If you purchase one reservation and have one VM running for 23 hours, the value is 23/24.
MaxUtilizationPercentage double The maximum utilization percentage on a given day. If you purchase one reservation and have one VM running for 23 hours, the field will be 1.

See also