Job Router Operations


Accept Job Offer

Accepts an offer to work on a job and returns a 409/Conflict if another agent accepted the job already.

Cancel Job

Submits request to cancel an existing job by Id while supplying free-form cancellation reason.

Close Job

Closes a completed job.

Complete Job

Completes an assigned job.

Decline Job Offer

Declines an offer to work on a job.

Delete Job

Deletes a job and all of its traces.

Delete Worker

Deletes a worker and all of its traces.

Get In Queue Position

Gets a job's position details.

Get Job

Retrieves an existing job by Id.

Get Queue Statistics

Retrieves a queue's statistics.

Get Worker

Retrieves an existing worker by Id.

List Jobs

Retrieves list of jobs based on filter parameters.

List Workers

Retrieves existing workers.

Reclassify Job

Reclassify a job.

Unassign Job

Unassign a job.

Upsert Job

Creates or updates a router job.

Upsert Worker

Creates or updates a worker.