List Extensions

The List Extensions operation lists all of the extensions that were added to a cloud service.


The List Extensions request may be specified as follows. Replace <subscription-id> with your subscription ID and <cloudservice-name> with the name of the cloud service.

Method Request URI

URI Parameters


Request Headers

The following table describes the request headers.

Request Header Description
x-ms-version Required. Specifies the version of the operation to use for this request. The value of this header must be set to 2013-03-01 or higher.

Request Body



The response includes an HTTP status code, a set of response headers, and a response body.

Status Code

A successful operation returns status code 200 (OK).

Response Headers

The response for this operation includes the following headers. The response may also include additional standard HTTP headers.

Response Header Description
x-ms-request-id A value that uniquely identifies a request made against the management service.

Response Body

The following example shows the format of the request body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  
<Extensions xmlns=””>  

The following table describes the elements of the response body.

Element name Description
ProviderNameSpace The provider namespace of the extension. The provider namespace for Microsoft Azure extensions is Microsoft.Windows.Azure.Extensions.
Type Required. The type of the extension.
Id The identifier of the extension.
Version The version of the extension.
Thumbprint The thumbprint of the certificate that is used to encrypt the configuration specified in PrivateConfiguration. If this element is not specified, a certificate may be automatically generated and added to the cloud service.
ThumbprintAlgorithm The thumbprint algorithm of the certificate that is used to encrypt the configuration specified in PrivateConfiguration.
PublicConfiguration The public configuration that is defined using the schema returned by the List Available Extensions operation.
IsJsonExtension Indicates whether the extension configuration supports JSON.

Possible values are:

- true
- false

The IsJsonExtension element is only available using version 2014-06-01 or higher.
DisallowMajorVersionUpgrade Indicates whether the extension supports automatically upgrading to new major versions.

The DisallowMajorVersionUpgrade element is only available using version 2014-06-01 or higher.