

Check Name Availability

Checks whether the container registry name is available for use. The name must contain only alphanumeric characters, be globally unique, and between 5 and 50 ch...


Creates a container registry with the specified parameters.


Deletes a container registry.

Generate Credentials

Generate keys for a token of a specified container registry.


Gets the properties of the specified container registry.

Get Private Link Resource

Gets a private link resource by a specified group name for a container registry.

Import Image

Copies an image to this container registry from the specified container registry.


Lists all the container registries under the specified subscription.

List By Resource Group

Lists all the container registries under the specified resource group.

List Credentials

Lists the login credentials for the specified container registry.

List Private Link Resources

Lists the private link resources for a container registry.

List Usages

Gets the quota usages for the specified container registry.

Regenerate Credential

Regenerates one of the login credentials for the specified container registry.


Updates a container registry with the specified parameters.