Azure Retail Prices API for China

This API gives you an unauthenticated experience to get retail rates for all Azure services in China. Use the API to explore prices for Azure services in different regions and different SKUs. The API can also help you create your own tools for internal analysis and price comparison across SKUs and regions. The information in this article covers information that applies only to the Azure Retail Prices API for use in China.

Through the API response, you get a URL to download a CSV file that includes the retail rates for all Azure services in China.

Retail prices shown in this document are examples.

API endpoint

URI Parameters

Name In Required Type Description
api-version query True string The API version to use for this operation


Name Type Description
200 OK DownloadURL OK. The request has succeeded
Other Status Codes ErrorResponse Error response describing why the operation failed

Sample request

Sample response

Status code: 200
    "DownloadUrl": "<token>",
    "LastRefreshedAt": "2023-06-02T04:19:45Z",
    "ExpiryTime": ""2023-06-02T06:54:57.1059946Z"}"


Name Description
DownloadURL The URL to download the generated report
ErrorDetails The details of the error
ErrorResponse Error response indicates that the service is not able to process the incoming request. The reason is provided in the error message


The URL to download the generated report.

Name Type Description
DownloadUrl string The URL to download the generated report
LastRefreshedAt string The time at which the data gets refreshed in UTC. For example, 2023-06-02T04:19:45Z
expiryTime string The time at which report URL becomes invalid/expires in UTC. For example, 2023-06-02T06:54:57.1059946Z

DownloadURL use

The following information is an example response from the API.


Copy the content inside the quotation marks for the URL and then paste into your browser address. Then go to the address to start the CSV file download. Don't include the LastRefreshedAt or ExpiryTime strings. Here's an example.<token>

The file download starts for AzureRetailPrices.csv.


The details of the error.

Name Type Description
code string Error code
message string Error message indicating why the operation failed


Error response indicates that the service is not able to process the incoming request. The reason is provided in the error message.

Here are some error responses:

  • 429 TooManyRequests - Request is throttled. Retry after waiting for the time specified in the x-ms-ratelimit-microsoft.consumption-retry-after header.
  • 503 ServiceUnavailable - Service is temporarily unavailable. Retry after waiting for the time specified in the Retry-After header.
Name Type Description
error ErrorDetails The details of the error

Property details in the downloaded CSV file

Here's all the property details that are included in the downloaded CSV file.

Prices shown are examples.

Field Example values Definition
currencyCode CNY The currency in which rates are defined and returns prices. It is always CNY for services in China
tierMinimumUnits 0 The minimum unit for each tier. For services with flat pricing for all units, the value is always 0. For services with tiered pricing, the value is to indicate the minimum unit for each tier
retailPrice 0.869038 Retail price for Microsoft services
unitPrice 0.869038 Retail price for Microsoft services
armRegionName chinaeast2 Azure Resource Manager region where the service is available
Location CN East 2 Azure data center where the resource is deployed
effectiveStartDate 2020-08-01T00:00:00Z Shows the date when the retail prices are effective.
meterId f25b95bd-f9fa-5e85-a3e8-379259ae8dce Unique identifier of the resource
meterName D2/DS2 Name of the meter
productid DZH318Z0BPVW UniqueID of the product
skuId DZH318Z0BPVW/00F9 UniqueID for the SKU
productName Virtual Machines D Series Windows Product name
skuName D2 SKU name
serviceName Virtual Machines Name of the service
serviceFamily Compute Service family of the SKU
unitOfMeasure 1 Hour How usage is measured for the service
type Consumption The type of pricing rates. The supported types are Reservation, Consumption, SavingsPlanConsumption and DevTestConsumption.
armSkuName Standard_F16s SKU name registered in Azure
term 3 Years Term length. It is applicable to Reservation term or the committed term to get SavingsPlan rate
isPrimaryMeterRegion True Indicates whether the meter region is set as a primary meter or not. Primary meters are used for charges and billing.

Example downloaded CSV file

Here's an example of data in the CSV file after formatting it as a table.

Prices shown are examples.

Screenshot showing an example CSV file with prices.