Data Catalog (Azure Data Catalog REST API)

Create or Update

Creates or updates a catalog.



Uri parameters

Name Description Data Type
subscriptionId Subscription to provision the catalog into. String
resouceGroup All resources need to be put into a group. See [Resource groups].( String
catalogName Name of the catalog. String
Name Value
Content-Type application/json

Body Example

    "location" : "North US",  
    "tags": {  
        "mykey": "myvalue",  
        "mykey2": "myvalue2",  
    "properties" : {  
        "sku" : "Standard",  
        "units" : 1,  
        "enableAutomaticUnitAdjustment" : false,  
        "admins" : [{"upn" : "", "objectId" : "99999999-…-999999999999"}],  
        "users" :  [{"upn" : "", "objectId" : "99999999-…-999999999999"}]  


Status codes

Code Description
200 OK. An existing annotation was updated. If the ProvisioningState is not "Succeeded", "Failed", or "Canceled", then the call is asynchronous, and is not complete. The caller needs to either poll by doing a GET on the same URL until ProvisioningState turns into one of those values or check the value returned in Azure-AsyncOperation header, and poll that location.
400 Bad request.

Example Response Header

Name Value
Access-Control-Allow-Origin ,
Cache-Control no-cache,no-cache,no-store
Content-Length 548
Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8
Date Wed,02 Mar 2016 01:42:46 GMT
Expires -1

Response body properties

Name Description
Sku Either "Free" or "Standard" (case matters). Link to our pricing page that describes what this means.
Units Billing granularity for Standard SKU. One unit represents 100 allowed users. Must be set to value greater than 0 if enableAutomaticUnitAdjustment is false. Must be set to 0 if enableAutomaticUnitAdjustment is true.
enableAutomaticUnitAdjustment Boolean setting which determines if units should be automatically calculated. This setting must be set to true in order to use security groups in the admin or allow list.
Admins List of catalog administrators:
- upn: Universal Principal Name of the account
- objectId: Azure Active Directory Object ID of the account
Users list of catalog users:
- upn/objectId same as above

Example Response Body

  "id": "/subscriptions/99999999-9999-…-999999999999/resourceGroups/myRG/providers/Microsoft.DataCatalog/catalogs/ExtractorStore1",  
  "name": "...",  
  "type": "Microsoft.DataCatalog/catalogs",  
  "location": "North US",  
  "tags": {  
      "mykey": "myvalue",  
      "mykey2": "myvalue2",  
  "properties": {  
    "sku": "Standard",  
    "units": 1,  
    "admins": [  
        "upn": "",  
        "objectId": "99999999-…-999999999999"  
    "successfullyProvisioned": true,  
    "enableAutomaticUnitAdjustment": false,  
    "users": [  
        "upn": "",  
        "objectId": "99999999-…-999999999999"  


Deletes a catalog.




Body Example


Example Response Headers

Name Value
Access-Control-Allow-Origin ,
Cache-Control no-cache,no-cache,no-store
Content-Length 0
Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8
Date Wed,02 Mar 2016 01:42:46 GMT
Expires -1


Status codes

Code Description
200 OK. An existing annotation was updated.
204 No Content (didn't exist).
202 Accepted. Delete is asynchronous. In this case, the caller needs to read the Location header for an URL to poll. That URL will continue to return 202 until the operation is complete. When it stops returning 202, the response it gives back is the result of the DELETE operation.
400 Bad request.


Gets a catalog.


Uri parameters

Name Description Data Type
subscriptionId Subscription to provision the catalog into. String
resouceGroup All resources need to be put into a group. See [Resource groups].( String
catalogName Name of the catalog. String



Name Value
Content-Type application/json

Body Example


Example Response Headers

Name Value
Access-Control-Allow-Origin ,
Cache-Control no-cache,no-cache,no-store
Content-Length 548
Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8
Date Wed,02 Mar 2016 01:42:46 GMT
Expires -1

Response body properties

Name Description
Sku Either "Free" or "Standard" (case matters). Link to our pricing page that describes what this means.
Units Billing granularity for Standard SKU. One unit represents 100 allowed users. Must be set to value greater than 0 if enableAutomaticUnitAdjustment is false. Must be set to 0 if enableAutomaticUnitAdjustment is true.
enableAutomaticUnitAdjustment Boolean setting which determines if units should be automatically calculated. This setting must be set to true in order to use security groups in the admin or allow list.
Admins List of catalog administrators:
- upn: Universal Principal Name of the account
- objectId: Azure Active Directory Object ID of the account
Users list of catalog users:
- upn/objectId same as above

Example Response Body

  "id": "/subscriptions/99999999-…-999999999999/resourceGroups/myRG/providers/Microsoft.DataCatalog/catalogs/ExtractorStore1",  
  "name": "ExtractorStore1",  
  "type": "Microsoft.DataCatalog/catalogs",  
  "location": "North US",  
  "tags": {},  
  "properties": {  
    "sku": "Standard",  
    "units": 1,  
    "admins": [  
        "upn": "",  
        "objectId": "99999999-…-999999999999"  
    "enableAutomaticUnitAdjustment": false,  
    "users": [  
        "upn": "",  
        "objectId": "99999999-…-999999999999"  


lists all catalogs.


Uri parameters

Name Description Data Type
subscriptionId Subscription to provision the catalog into. String
resouceGroup All resources need to be put into a group. See [Resource groups].( String



Name Value
Content-Type application/json

Body Example


Example Response Headers

Name Value
Access-Control-Allow-Origin ,
Cache-Control no-cache,no-cache,no-store
Content-Length 570
Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8
Date Wed,02 Mar 2016 01:42:46 GMT
Expires -1

Response body properties

Name Description
Sku Either "Free" or "Standard" (case matters). Link to our pricing page that describes what this means.
Units Billing granularity for Standard SKU. One unit represents 100 allowed users. Must be set to value greater than 0 if enableAutomaticUnitAdjustment is false. Must be set to 0 if enableAutomaticUnitAdjustment is true.
enableAutomaticUnitAdjustment Boolean setting which determines if units should be automatically calculated. This setting must be set to true in order to use security groups in the admin or allow list.
Admins List of catalog administrators:
- upn: Universal Principal Name of the account
- objectId: Azure Active Directory Object ID of the account
Users list of catalog users:
- upn/objectId same as above

Example Response Body

  "value": [  
      "id": "/subscriptions/99999999-…-999999999999/resourceGroups/myRG/providers/Microsoft.DataCatalog/catalogs/ExtractorStore1",  
      "name": "ExtractorStore1",  
      "type": "Microsoft.DataCatalog/catalogs",  
      "location": "North US",  
      "tags": {},  
      "properties": {  
        "sku": "Standard",  
        "units": 1,  
        "admins": [  
            "upn": "",  
            "objectId": "99999999-…-999999999999"  
        "successfullyProvisioned": true,  
        "enableAutomaticUnitAdjustment": false,  
        "users": [  
            "upn": "",  
            "objectId": "99999999-…-999999999999"  


Updates a Catalog.


Uri parameters

Name Description Data Type
subscriptionId Subscription to provision the catalog into. String
resouceGroup All resources need to be put into a group. See [Resource groups].( String
catalogName Name of the catalog. String


Name Value
Content-Type application/json

Body Example

    "properties" : {  
        "admins" : [{"upn" : "", "objectId" : "99999999-…-999999999999"}],  


Code Description
200 OK. An existing annotation was updated. If the ProvisioningState is not "Succeeded", "Failed", or "Canceled", then the call is asynchronous, and is not complete. The caller needs to either poll by doing a GET on the same URL until ProvisioningState turns into one of those values or check the value returned in Azure-AsyncOperation header, and poll that location.
400 Bad request.

Example Response Header

Name Value
Access-Control-Allow-Origin ,
Cache-Control no-cache,no-cache,no-store
Content-Length 548
Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8
Date Wed,02 Mar 2016 01:42:46 GMT
Expires -1

Response body properties

Name Description
Sku Either "Free" or "Standard" (case matters). Link to our pricing page that describes what this means.
Units Billing granularity for Standard SKU. One unit represents 100 allowed users. Must be set to value greater than 0 if enableAutomaticUnitAdjustment is false. Must be set to 0 if enableAutomaticUnitAdjustment is true.
enableAutomaticUnitAdjustment Boolean setting which determines if units should be automatically calculated. This setting must be set to true in order to use security groups in the admin or allow list.
Admins List of catalog administrators:
- upn: Universal Principal Name of the account
- objectId: Azure Active Directory Object ID of the account
Users list of catalog users:
- upn/objectId same as above

Example Response Body

  "id": "/subscriptions/99999999-…-999999999999/resourceGroups/myRG/providers/Microsoft.DataCatalog/catalogs/ExtractorStore1",  
  "name": "ExtractorStore1",  
  "type": "Microsoft.DataCatalog/catalogs",  
  "location": "North US",  
  "tags": {},  
  "properties": {  
    "sku": "Standard",  
    "units": 1,  
    "admins": [  
        "upn": "",  
        "objectId": "99999999-…-999999999999"  
    "successfullyProvisioned": true,  
    "enableAutomaticUnitAdjustment": false,  
    "users": [  
        "upn": "",  
        "objectId": "99999999-…-999999999999"  