

Claim Any Vm

Claim a random claimable virtual machine in the lab. This operation can take a while to complete.

Create Environment

Create virtual machines in a lab. This operation can take a while to complete.

Create Or Update

Create or replace an existing lab. This operation can take a while to complete.


Delete lab. This operation can take a while to complete.

Export Resource Usage

Exports the lab resource usage into a storage account This operation can take a while to complete.

Generate Upload Uri

Generate a URI for uploading custom disk images to a Lab.


Get lab.

Import Virtual Machine

Import a virtual machine into a different lab. This operation can take a while to complete.

List By Resource Group

List labs in a resource group.

List By Subscription

List labs in a subscription.

List Vhds

List disk images available for custom image creation.


Allows modifying tags of labs. All other properties will be ignored.