IoT Central REST API common error codes

The following table lists error codes common to the IoT Central REST APIs.

Common error codes

Error code Description HTTP status code
400 The request received could not be understood by the service.
401 The authorization token cannot be validated; for example, it is expired or does not apply to the request’s URI and/or method. 401 Unauthorized
403 The provider credentials do not have sufficient privileges 403 Forbidden
404 The IoT Central instance or a device identity does not exist. 404 Not Found
412 The etag in the request does not match the etag of the existing resource, as per RFC7232. 412 Precondition failed.
422 The body of the request could not be validated. 422 Unprocessable Entity
429 The number of requests exceeded the environment threshold. Please try again later. 429 Too Many Requests
500 An internal error occurred. 500 Internal Server Error