Action Groups - Create Notifications At Resource Group Level
Send test notifications to a set of provided receivers
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
path | True |
string |
The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. |
path | True |
string |
The ID of the target subscription. |
query | True |
string |
The API version to use for this operation. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
alertType | True |
string |
The value of the supported alert type. Supported alert type values are: servicehealth, metricstaticthreshold, metricsdynamicthreshold, logalertv2, smartalert, webtestalert, logalertv1numresult, logalertv1metricmeasurement, resourcehealth, activitylog, actualcostbudget, forecastedbudget |
armRoleReceivers |
The list of ARM role receivers that are part of this action group. Roles are Azure RBAC roles and only built-in roles are supported. |
automationRunbookReceivers |
The list of AutomationRunbook receivers that are part of this action group. |
azureAppPushReceivers |
The list of AzureAppPush receivers that are part of this action group. |
azureFunctionReceivers |
The list of azure function receivers that are part of this action group. |
emailReceivers |
The list of email receivers that are part of this action group. |
eventHubReceivers |
The list of event hub receivers that are part of this action group. |
itsmReceivers |
The list of ITSM receivers that are part of this action group. |
logicAppReceivers |
The list of logic app receivers that are part of this action group. |
smsReceivers |
The list of SMS receivers that are part of this action group. |
voiceReceivers |
The list of voice receivers that are part of this action group. |
webhookReceivers |
The list of webhook receivers that are part of this action group. |
Name | Type | Description |
200 OK |
The notification succeeded |
202 Accepted |
The notification request accepted Headers location: string |
Other Status Codes |
An error occurred while sending the test notifications |
Azure Active Directory OAuth2 Flow
Authorization URL:
Name | Description |
user_impersonation | impersonate your user account |
Sample request
"alertType": "budget",
"emailReceivers": [
"name": "John Doe's email",
"emailAddress": "",
"useCommonAlertSchema": false
"name": "Jane Smith's email",
"emailAddress": "",
"useCommonAlertSchema": true
"smsReceivers": [
"name": "John Doe's mobile",
"countryCode": "1",
"phoneNumber": "1234567890"
"name": "Jane Smith's mobile",
"countryCode": "1",
"phoneNumber": "0987654321"
"webhookReceivers": [
"name": "Sample webhook 1",
"serviceUri": "",
"useCommonAlertSchema": true
"name": "Sample webhook 2",
"serviceUri": "",
"useCommonAlertSchema": true,
"useAadAuth": true,
"objectId": "d3bb868c-fe44-452c-aa26-769a6538c808",
"identifierUri": "http://someidentifier/d7811ba3-7996-4a93-99b6-6b2f3f355f8a",
"tenantId": "68a4459a-ccb8-493c-b9da-dd30457d1b84"
"itsmReceivers": [
"name": "Sample itsm",
"workspaceId": "5def922a-3ed4-49c1-b9fd-05ec533819a3|55dfd1f8-7e59-4f89-bf56-4c82f5ace23c",
"connectionId": "a3b9076c-ce8e-434e-85b4-aff10cb3c8f1",
"ticketConfiguration": "{\"PayloadRevision\":0,\"WorkItemType\":\"Incident\",\"UseTemplate\":false,\"WorkItemData\":\"{}\",\"CreateOneWIPerCI\":false}",
"region": "westcentralus"
"azureAppPushReceivers": [
"name": "Sample azureAppPush",
"emailAddress": ""
"automationRunbookReceivers": [
"automationAccountId": "/subscriptions/187f412d-1758-44d9-b052-169e2564721d/resourceGroups/runbookTest/providers/Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/runbooktest",
"runbookName": "Sample runbook",
"webhookResourceId": "/subscriptions/187f412d-1758-44d9-b052-169e2564721d/resourceGroups/runbookTest/providers/Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/runbooktest/webhooks/Alert1510184037084",
"isGlobalRunbook": false,
"name": "testRunbook",
"serviceUri": "",
"useCommonAlertSchema": true
"voiceReceivers": [
"name": "Sample voice",
"countryCode": "1",
"phoneNumber": "1234567890"
"logicAppReceivers": [
"name": "Sample logicApp",
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/187f412d-1758-44d9-b052-169e2564721d/resourceGroups/LogicApp/providers/Microsoft.Logic/workflows/testLogicApp",
"callbackUrl": "",
"useCommonAlertSchema": false
"azureFunctionReceivers": [
"name": "Sample azureFunction",
"functionAppResourceId": "/subscriptions/5def922a-3ed4-49c1-b9fd-05ec533819a3/resourceGroups/aznsTest/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/testFunctionApp",
"functionName": "HttpTriggerCSharp1",
"httpTriggerUrl": "",
"useCommonAlertSchema": true
"eventHubReceivers": [
"name": "Sample eventHub",
"eventHubNameSpace": "testEventHubNameSpace",
"eventHubName": "testEventHub",
"subscriptionId": "187f412d-1758-44d9-b052-169e2564721d",
"tenantId": "68a4459a-ccb8-493c-b9da-dd30457d1b84"
"armRoleReceivers": [
"name": "ArmRole-Common",
"roleId": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
"useCommonAlertSchema": true
"name": "ArmRole-nonCommon",
"roleId": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
"useCommonAlertSchema": false
Sample response
"context": {
"notificationSource": "Microsoft.Insights/TestNotification",
"contextType": "Microsoft.Insights/Budget"
"state": "Completed",
"completedTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
"createdTime": "2021-09-21T04:52:29.5091168+00:00",
"actionDetails": [
"MechanismType": "AzureAppPush",
"Name": "AzureAppPush-name",
"Status": "Completed",
"SubState": "Default",
"SendTime": "2021-09-21T04:52:42.8620629+00:00",
"Detail": null
"MechanismType": "AzureFunction",
"Name": "AzureFunction-name",
"Status": "Completed",
"SubState": "Default",
"SendTime": "2021-09-21T04:52:42.0623319+00:00",
"Detail": null
"MechanismType": "Email",
"Name": "Email-name",
"Status": "Completed",
"SubState": "Default",
"SendTime": "2021-09-21T04:52:40.7480368+00:00",
"Detail": null
"MechanismType": "LogicApp",
"Name": "LogicApp-Name",
"Status": "Completed",
"SubState": "Default",
"SendTime": "2021-09-21T04:52:42.2473419+00:00",
"Detail": null
"MechanismType": "Webhook",
"Name": "Webhook-name",
"Status": "Completed",
"SubState": "Default",
"SendTime": "2021-09-21T04:52:42.0723479+00:00",
"Detail": null
"MechanismType": "SecureWebhook",
"Name": "SecureWebhook-name",
"Status": "Completed",
"SubState": "Default",
"SendTime": "2021-09-21T04:52:42.0723479+00:00",
"Detail": null
"MechanismType": "Sms",
"Name": "Sms-name",
"Status": "Completed",
"SubState": "Default",
"SendTime": "2021-09-21T04:52:41.353015+00:00",
"Detail": null
"MechanismType": "Voice",
"Name": "Voice-name",
"Status": "Completed",
"SubState": "Default",
"SendTime": "2021-09-21T04:52:41.6330734+00:00",
"Detail": null
"MechanismType": "EventHub",
"Name": "EventHub-name",
"Status": "Completed",
"SubState": "Default",
"SendTime": "2021-09-21T04:52:42.0723479+00:00",
"Detail": null
"MechanismType": "AutomationRunbook",
"Name": "AutomationRunbook-name",
"Status": "Completed",
"SubState": "Default",
"SendTime": "2021-09-21T04:52:42.0723479+00:00",
"Detail": null
"MechanismType": "Itsm",
"Name": "Itsm-name",
"Status": "Completed",
"SubState": "Default",
"SendTime": "2021-09-21T04:52:42.0723479+00:00",
"Detail": null
Name | Description |
Action |
The action detail |
Arm |
An arm role receiver. |
Automation |
The Azure Automation Runbook notification receiver. |
Azure |
The Azure mobile App push notification receiver. |
Azure |
An azure function receiver. |
Context |
The context info |
Email |
An email receiver. |
Error |
Describes the format of Error response. |
Event |
An Event hub receiver. |
Itsm |
An Itsm receiver. |
Logic |
A logic app receiver. |
Notification |
The request body which contain contact detail metadata |
Receiver |
Indicates the status of the receiver. Receivers that are not Enabled will not receive any communications. |
Sms |
An SMS receiver. |
Test |
The details of the test notification results. |
Voice |
A voice receiver. |
Webhook |
A webhook receiver. |
The action detail
Name | Type | Description |
Detail |
string |
The detail of the friendly error message |
MechanismType |
string |
The mechanism type |
Name |
string |
The name of the action |
SendTime |
string |
The send time |
Status |
string |
The status of the action |
SubState |
string |
The substatus of the action |
An arm role receiver.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
name |
string |
The name of the arm role receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. |
roleId |
string |
The arm role id. |
useCommonAlertSchema |
boolean |
False |
Indicates whether to use common alert schema. |
The Azure Automation Runbook notification receiver.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
automationAccountId |
string |
The Azure automation account Id which holds this runbook and authenticate to Azure resource. |
isGlobalRunbook |
boolean |
Indicates whether this instance is global runbook. |
name |
string |
Indicates name of the webhook. |
runbookName |
string |
The name for this runbook. |
serviceUri |
string |
The URI where webhooks should be sent. |
useCommonAlertSchema |
boolean |
False |
Indicates whether to use common alert schema. |
webhookResourceId |
string |
The resource id for webhook linked to this runbook. |
The Azure mobile App push notification receiver.
Name | Type | Description |
emailAddress |
string |
The email address registered for the Azure mobile app. |
name |
string |
The name of the Azure mobile app push receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. |
An azure function receiver.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
functionAppResourceId |
string |
The azure resource id of the function app. |
functionName |
string |
The function name in the function app. |
httpTriggerUrl |
string |
The http trigger url where http request sent to. |
name |
string |
The name of the azure function receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. |
useCommonAlertSchema |
boolean |
False |
Indicates whether to use common alert schema. |
The context info
Name | Type | Description |
contextType |
string |
The context id type |
notificationSource |
string |
The source of the notification request |
An email receiver.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
emailAddress |
string |
The email address of this receiver. |
name |
string |
The name of the email receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. |
status |
The receiver status of the e-mail. |
useCommonAlertSchema |
boolean |
False |
Indicates whether to use common alert schema. |
Describes the format of Error response.
Name | Type | Description |
code |
string |
Error code |
message |
string |
Error message indicating why the operation failed. |
An Event hub receiver.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
eventHubName |
string |
The name of the specific Event Hub queue |
eventHubNameSpace |
string |
The Event Hub namespace |
name |
string |
The name of the Event hub receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. |
subscriptionId |
string |
The Id for the subscription containing this event hub |
tenantId |
string |
The tenant Id for the subscription containing this event hub |
useCommonAlertSchema |
boolean |
False |
Indicates whether to use common alert schema. |
An Itsm receiver.
Name | Type | Description |
connectionId |
string |
Unique identification of ITSM connection among multiple defined in above workspace. |
name |
string |
The name of the Itsm receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. |
region |
string |
Region in which workspace resides. Supported values:'centralindia','japaneast','southeastasia','australiasoutheast','uksouth','westcentralus','canadacentral','eastus','westeurope' |
ticketConfiguration |
string |
JSON blob for the configurations of the ITSM action. CreateMultipleWorkItems option will be part of this blob as well. |
workspaceId |
string |
OMS LA instance identifier. |
A logic app receiver.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
callbackUrl |
string |
The callback url where http request sent to. |
name |
string |
The name of the logic app receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. |
resourceId |
string |
The azure resource id of the logic app receiver. |
useCommonAlertSchema |
boolean |
False |
Indicates whether to use common alert schema. |
The request body which contain contact detail metadata
Name | Type | Description |
alertType |
string |
The value of the supported alert type. Supported alert type values are: servicehealth, metricstaticthreshold, metricsdynamicthreshold, logalertv2, smartalert, webtestalert, logalertv1numresult, logalertv1metricmeasurement, resourcehealth, activitylog, actualcostbudget, forecastedbudget |
armRoleReceivers |
The list of ARM role receivers that are part of this action group. Roles are Azure RBAC roles and only built-in roles are supported. |
automationRunbookReceivers |
The list of AutomationRunbook receivers that are part of this action group. |
azureAppPushReceivers |
The list of AzureAppPush receivers that are part of this action group. |
azureFunctionReceivers |
The list of azure function receivers that are part of this action group. |
emailReceivers |
The list of email receivers that are part of this action group. |
eventHubReceivers |
The list of event hub receivers that are part of this action group. |
itsmReceivers |
The list of ITSM receivers that are part of this action group. |
logicAppReceivers |
The list of logic app receivers that are part of this action group. |
smsReceivers |
The list of SMS receivers that are part of this action group. |
voiceReceivers |
The list of voice receivers that are part of this action group. |
webhookReceivers |
The list of webhook receivers that are part of this action group. |
Indicates the status of the receiver. Receivers that are not Enabled will not receive any communications.
Value | Description |
Disabled | |
Enabled | |
NotSpecified |
An SMS receiver.
Name | Type | Description |
countryCode |
string |
The country code of the SMS receiver. |
name |
string |
The name of the SMS receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. |
phoneNumber |
string |
The phone number of the SMS receiver. |
status |
The status of the receiver. |
The details of the test notification results.
Name | Type | Description |
actionDetails |
The list of action detail |
completedTime |
string |
The completed time |
context |
The context info |
createdTime |
string |
The created time |
state |
string |
The overall state |
A voice receiver.
Name | Type | Description |
countryCode |
string |
The country code of the voice receiver. |
name |
string |
The name of the voice receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. |
phoneNumber |
string |
The phone number of the voice receiver. |
A webhook receiver.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
identifierUri |
string |
Indicates the identifier uri for aad auth. |
name |
string |
The name of the webhook receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. |
objectId |
string |
Indicates the webhook app object Id for aad auth. |
serviceUri |
string |
The URI where webhooks should be sent. |
tenantId |
string |
Indicates the tenant id for aad auth. |
useAadAuth |
boolean |
False |
Indicates whether or not use AAD authentication. |
useCommonAlertSchema |
boolean |
False |
Indicates whether to use common alert schema. |