Play Stream


Add Player Tag

Adds a given tag to a player profile. The tag's namespace is automatically generated based on the source of the tag.

Export Players In Segment

Starts an export for the player profiles in a segment. This API creates a snapshot of all the player profiles which match the segment definition at the time of ...

Get All Segments

Retrieves an array of player segment definitions. Results from this can be used in subsequent API calls such as GetPlayersInSegment which requires a Segment ID....

Get Player Segments

List all segments that a player currently belongs to at this moment in time.

Get Players In Segment

Allows for paging through all players in a given segment. This API creates a snapshot of all player profiles that match the segment definition at the time of it...

Get Player Tags

Get all tags with a given Namespace (optional) from a player profile.

Get Segment Export

Retrieves the result of an export started by ExportPlayersInSegment API. If the ExportPlayersInSegment is successful and complete, this API returns the IndexUrl...

Remove Player Tag

Remove a given tag from a player profile. The tag's namespace is automatically generated based on the source of the tag.