Support for OData (Azure AI Search)

Azure AI Search service API uses Open Data Protocol (OData) for index queries. Azure AI Search supports OData version 4.

OData syntax in HTTP request headers

OData defines a few HTTP request headers that you can optionally set. You can use OData-specific values for the Accept header like application/json;odata.metadata=none to control the amount of metadata included in the response. The default is odata.metadata=minimal. For brevity, all examples in this document assume odata.metadata=none.

Another header you can set is OData-MaxVersion. The Azure AI Search Service API supports OData V4 so you should set OData-MaxVersion to "4.0". This tells the API to expect the OData V4 format in the request body, and to send responses in the OData V4 format. In the future as we add support for newer versions of the OData protocol, you may set this header to a different value. The Azure AI Search service API does not support versions of OData older than V4.

See OData Expression Syntax for Azure AI Search for details about using OData in filters and sort expressions. See Simple query syntax in Azure AI Search for alternative syntax.

Search service API with Alternate OData syntax

The Search service API supports OData syntax for entity lookup. This applies both to both documents in an index, as well as to indexes themselves (where the index name is the entity key). Here is a summary of all APIs that have alternate OData syntax:

Updating an Index

PUT /indexes('[index name]')?api-version=2015-02-28  

Getting an Index

GET /indexes('[index name]')?api-version=2015-02-28  

Getting Index Statistics

GET /indexes('[index name]')/stats?api-version=2015-02-28  

Deleting an Index

DELETE /indexes('[index name]')?api-version=2015-02-28  

Adding and Deleting Data within an Index

POST /indexes('[index name]')/docs/index?api-version=2015-02-28  


GET /indexes('[index name]')/docs?[query parameters]  


GET /indexes('[index name]')/docs('[key]')?[query parameters]  


GET /indexes('[index name]')/docs/$count?api-version=2015-02-28  


GET /indexes('[index name]')/docs/suggest?[query parameters]  

See also