Application Properties

Describes properties of a application resource.


Name Type Required
description string No
services array of ServiceResourceDescription No
diagnostics DiagnosticsDescription No
debugParams string No
serviceNames array of string No
status string (enum) No
statusDetails string No
healthState string (enum) No
unhealthyEvaluation string No


Type: string
Required: No

User readable description of the application.


Type: array of ServiceResourceDescription
Required: No

Describes the services in the application. This property is used to create or modify services of the application. On get only the name of the service is returned. The service description can be obtained by querying for the service resource.


Type: DiagnosticsDescription
Required: No

Describes the diagnostics definition and usage for an application resource.


Type: string
Required: No

Internal - used by Visual Studio to setup the debugging session on the local development environment.


Type: array of string
Required: No

Names of the services in the application.


Type: string (enum)
Required: No

Status of the application.

Status of the resource.

Possible values are:

  • Unknown - Indicates the resource status is unknown. The value is zero.
  • Ready - Indicates the resource is ready. The value is 1.
  • Upgrading - Indicates the resource is upgrading. The value is 2.
  • Creating - Indicates the resource is being created. The value is 3.
  • Deleting - Indicates the resource is being deleted. The value is 4.
  • Failed - Indicates the resource is not functional due to persistent failures. See statusDetails property for more details. The value is 5.


Type: string
Required: No

Gives additional information about the current status of the application.


Type: string (enum)
Required: No

Describes the health state of an application resource.

The health state of a Service Fabric entity such as Cluster, Node, Application, Service, Partition, Replica etc.

Possible values are:

  • Invalid - Indicates an invalid health state. All Service Fabric enumerations have the invalid type. The value is zero.
  • Ok - Indicates the health state is okay. The value is 1.
  • Warning - Indicates the health state is at a warning level. The value is 2.
  • Error - Indicates the health state is at an error level. Error health state should be investigated, as they can impact the correct functionality of the cluster. The value is 3.
  • Unknown - Indicates an unknown health status. The value is 65535.


Type: string
Required: No

When the application's health state is not 'Ok', this additional details from service fabric Health Manager for the user to know why the application is marked unhealthy.