
Describes the parameters for a standalone cluster configuration upgrade.


Name Type Required
ClusterConfig string Yes
HealthCheckRetryTimeout string (duration) No
HealthCheckWaitDurationInSeconds string (duration) No
HealthCheckStableDurationInSeconds string (duration) No
UpgradeDomainTimeoutInSeconds string (duration) No
UpgradeTimeoutInSeconds string (duration) No
MaxPercentUnhealthyApplications integer No
MaxPercentUnhealthyNodes integer No
MaxPercentDeltaUnhealthyNodes integer No
MaxPercentUpgradeDomainDeltaUnhealthyNodes integer No
ApplicationHealthPolicies ApplicationHealthPolicies No


Type: string
Required: Yes

The cluster configuration as a JSON string. For example, this file contains JSON describing the nodes and other properties of the cluster.


Type: string (duration)
Required: No
Default: PT0H0M0S

The length of time between attempts to perform health checks if the application or cluster is not healthy.


Type: string (duration)
Required: No
Default: PT0H0M0S

The length of time to wait after completing an upgrade domain before starting the health checks process.


Type: string (duration)
Required: No
Default: PT0H0M0S

The length of time that the application or cluster must remain healthy before the upgrade proceeds to the next upgrade domain.


Type: string (duration)
Required: No
Default: PT0H0M0S

The timeout for the upgrade domain.


Type: string (duration)
Required: No
Default: PT0H0M0S

The upgrade timeout.


Type: integer
Required: No
Default: 0

The maximum allowed percentage of unhealthy applications during the upgrade. Allowed values are integer values from zero to 100.


Type: integer
Required: No
Default: 0

The maximum allowed percentage of unhealthy nodes during the upgrade. Allowed values are integer values from zero to 100.


Type: integer
Required: No
Default: 0

The maximum allowed percentage of delta health degradation during the upgrade. Allowed values are integer values from zero to 100.


Type: integer
Required: No
Default: 0

The maximum allowed percentage of upgrade domain delta health degradation during the upgrade. Allowed values are integer values from zero to 100.


Type: ApplicationHealthPolicies
Required: No

Defines the application health policy map used to evaluate the health of an application or one of its children entities.