
Information about a stateless instance running in a code package. Note that DeployedServiceReplicaQueryResult will contain duplicate data like ServiceKind, ServiceName, PartitionId and InstanceId.


Name Type Required
ServiceName string No
PartitionId string (uuid) No
CurrentServiceOperation string (enum) No
CurrentServiceOperationStartTimeUtc string (date-time) No
ReportedLoad array of LoadMetricReportInfo No
InstanceId string No
DeployedServiceReplicaQueryResult DeployedStatelessServiceInstanceInfo No


Type: string
Required: No

Full hierarchical name of the service in URI format starting with fabric:.


Type: string (uuid)
Required: No

An internal ID used by Service Fabric to uniquely identify a partition. This is a randomly generated GUID when the service was created. The partition ID is unique and does not change for the lifetime of the service. If the same service was deleted and recreated the IDs of its partitions would be different.


Type: string (enum)
Required: No

Specifies the current active life-cycle operation on a stateful service replica or stateless service instance.

Possible values are:

  • Unknown - Reserved for future use.
  • None - The service replica or instance is not going through any life-cycle changes.
  • Open - The service replica or instance is being opened.
  • ChangeRole - The service replica is changing roles.
  • Close - The service replica or instance is being closed.
  • Abort - The service replica or instance is being aborted.


Type: string (date-time)
Required: No

The start time of the current service operation in UTC format.


Type: array of LoadMetricReportInfo
Required: No

List of load reported by replica.


Type: string
Required: No

Id of a stateless service instance. InstanceId is used by Service Fabric to uniquely identify an instance of a partition of a stateless service. It is unique within a partition and does not change for the lifetime of the instance. If the instance has failed over on the same or different node, it will get a different value for the InstanceId.


Type: DeployedStatelessServiceInstanceInfo
Required: No

Information about a stateless service instance deployed on a node.