
Describes the time based backup schedule.


Name Type Required
ScheduleFrequencyType string (enum) Yes
RunDays array of DayOfWeek No
RunTimes array of string (date-time) Yes


Type: string (enum)
Required: Yes

Describes the frequency with which to run the time based backup schedule.

Possible values are:

  • Invalid - Indicates an invalid backup schedule frequency type. All Service Fabric enumerations have the invalid type.
  • Daily - Indicates that the time based backup schedule is repeated at a daily frequency.
  • Weekly - Indicates that the time based backup schedule is repeated at a weekly frequency.


Type: array of DayOfWeek
Required: No

List of days of a week when to trigger the periodic backup. This is valid only when the backup schedule frequency type is weekly.


Type: array of string (date-time)
Required: Yes

Represents the list of exact time during the day in ISO8601 format. Like '19:00:00' will represent '7PM' during the day. Date specified along with time will be ignored.