Azure Service Fabric Mesh Resource Provider API Reference

Azure Service Fabric Mesh is a fully managed service which enables developers to build and deploy mission critical applications without managing any infrastructure. Use Service Fabric Mesh to build and run secure, distributed microservices applications that scale on demand.

Following is a list of Azure Service Fabric Mesh Resource Provider REST APIs to deploy and manage microservices applications.

Applications APIs

Name Description
Create Creates or updates an application resource.
Get Gets the application resource.
Delete Deletes the application resource.
List By Resource Group Gets all the application resources in a given resource group.
List By Subscription Gets all the application resources in a given subscription.

Services APIs

Name Description
List By Application Name Gets services of a given application.
Get Gets the properties of the service.

Replicas APIs

Name Description
List By Service Name Gets replicas of a given service.
Get Gets a specific replica of a given service.

ContainerLogs APIs

Name Description
Get Container Log Gets the logs for the container.

Operations APIs

Name Description
List Lists all of the available operations.

Networks APIs

Name Description
Create Creates or updates a network resource.
Get Gets the network resource.
Delete Deletes the network resource.
List By Resource Group Gets all the network resources in a given resource group.
List By Subscription Gets all the network resources in a given subscription.

Volumes APIs

Name Description
Create Creates or updates a volume resource.
Get Gets the volume resource.
Delete Deletes the volume resource.
List By Resource Group Gets all the volume resources in a given resource group.
List By Subscription Gets all the volume resources in a given subscription.


Name Description
ApplicationProperties This type describes properties of an application resource.
ApplicationResourceDescription This type describes an application resource.
ApplicationResourceDescriptionList A pageable list of application resources.
ApplicationResourceProperties This type describes properties of an application resource.
ApplicationResourceStatus enum Possible values include: 'Invalid', 'Ready', 'Upgrading', 'Creating', 'Deleting', 'Failed'
AvailableOperationDisplay An operation available at the listed Azure resource provider.
AzureInternalMonitoringPipelineSinkDescription Diagnostics settings for Geneva.
ContainerCodePackageProperties Describes a container and its runtime properties.
ContainerEvent A container event.
ContainerInstanceView Runtime information of a container instance.
ContainerLabel Describes a container label.
ContainerLogs The logs of the container.
ContainerState The container state.
ContainerVolume Describes how a volume is attached to a container.
DiagnosticsDescription Describes the diagnostics options available
DiagnosticsRef Reference to sinks in DiagnosticsDescription.
DiagnosticsSinkKind enum The kind of DiagnosticsSink.
DiagnosticsSinkProperties Properties of a DiagnosticsSink.
EndpointProperties Describes a container endpoint.
EnvironmentVariable Describes an environment variable for the container.
ErrorModel The error details.
HealthState enum The health state of a resource such as Application, Service, or Network.
ImageRegistryCredential Image registry credential.
IngressConfig Describes public connectivity configuration for the network.
IngressQoSLevel enum Possible values include: 'Bronze'
Layer4IngressConfig Describes the layer4 configuration for public connectivity for this network.
ManagedProxyResource The resource model definition for Azure Resource Manager proxy resource. It will have everything other than required location and tags. This proxy resource is explicitly created or updated by including it in the parent resource.
NetworkProperties Describes a network.
NetworkRef Describes a network reference in a service.
NetworkResourceDescription This type describes a network resource.
NetworkResourceDescriptionList A pageable list of network resources.
NetworkResourceProperties Describes properties of a network resource.
OperatingSystemTypes enum Possible values include: 'Linux', 'Windows'
OperationListResult Describes the result of the request to list Service Fabric operations.
OperationResult List of operations available at the listed Azure resource provider.
ProvisionedResourceProperties Describes common properties of a provisioned resource.
ProxyResource The resource model definition for Azure Resource Manager proxy resource. It will have everything other than required location and tags.
Resource The resource model definition for Azure Resource Manager resource.
ResourceLimits This type describes the resource limits for a given container. It describes the most amount of resources a container is allowed to use before being restarted.
ResourceRequests This type describes the requested resources for a given container. It describes the least amount of resources required for the container. A container can consume more than requested resources up to the specified limits before being restarted. Currently, the requested resources are treated as limits.
ResourceRequirements This type describes the resource requirements for a container or a service.
ServiceList A pageable list of all services in an application.
ServiceReplicaDescription This type describes a replica of a service resource.
ServiceReplicaList A pageable list of replicas of a service resource.
ServiceReplicaProperties Describes the properties of a service replica.
ServiceResourceDescription This type describes a service resource.
ServiceResourceProperties This type describes properties of a service resource.
ServiceResourceStatus enum Possible values include: 'Unknown', 'Active', 'Upgrading', 'Deleting', 'Creating', 'Failed'
Setting Describes a setting for the container.
TrackedResource The resource model definition for Azure Resource Manager tracked top-level resource.
VolumeProperties This type describes properties of a volume resource.
VolumeProviderParametersAzureFile This type describes a volume provided by an Azure Files file share.
VolumeResourceDescription This type describes a volume resource.
VolumeResourceDescriptionList A pageable list of volume resources.
VolumeResourceProperties Describes properties of a volume resource.