400 InvalidManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequest - The acquire managed server DNS alias request body is empty or invalid.
400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestInvalidOldManagedServerDnsAliasResourceId - The old managed server DNS alias id in request body is empty or invalid (it should have the format: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/dnsAliases/{dnsAliasName}).
400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestOldManagedServerDnsAliasSubscriptionMismatch - The old managed server DNS subscription id in request body is different than the one in request URI.
400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestOldManagedServerDnsAliasNameMismatch - The old managed server DNS alias name in request body is different than the one in request URI.
400 ServerDnsAliasDoesNotExist - Server DNS Alias does not exist on a server.
400 UnableToTurnOnTableAuditingForDbOnServerWithServerDnsAlias - Server Dns Aliases are not working correctly for database that has Table Auditing turned on
400 UnableToCreateServerDnsAliasDueToTableAuditing - The Server DNS Alias cannot be created for server that has table auditing turned on.
400 UnableToCreateServerDnsAliasDueToTableAuditingForDb - Server DNS Alias cannot be created for server '{0}' because database '{1}' has Table Auditing or Security Enabled Access feature enabled.
400 LimitOfServerDnsAliasesPerServerExceeded - Creating new Server Dns Alias will exceed the allowed number of Server DNS Aliases per server.
400 UnableToTurnOnTableAuditingForServerWithServerDnsAlias - Server Dns Aliases are not working correctly for server that has Table Auditing turned on
400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.
400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.
400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.
400 InvalidServerDnsAliasNameForNamedInstance - Invalid Server DNS Alias name was supplied.
400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.
400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.
400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.
400 InvalidServerDnsAliasName - Invalid Server DNS Alias name was supplied.
400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.
404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found
404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.
404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.
404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.
404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.
404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.
409 ServerDnsAliasBusy - Server DNS Alias is busy with another operation.
409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.
409 ManagedServerAliasDnsZoneMismatch - Managed Server Alias Dns Zone Mismatch
409 ServerDnsAliasDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.
409 ServerDnsAliasAlreadyExists - Server DNS Alias already exists on a given server.
409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.
409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.
409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.
429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.
429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.
429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.
429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.
500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.
503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.
503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.
504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout.