400 RestoreJobIdsMismatch - Restore Job Id mismatch, current restore job id is {0} while input is {1}.
400 RestoreJobSetToAutoCutover - Restore Job is set to AutoCutover. No Operation will be accept except Cancel.
400 DuplicateTargetDatabaseName - Two or more target databases have the same name: '{0}'.
400 AutoBackupEncryptionPasswordNotSpecified - Password not provided when enabling encryption as auto backup setting.
400 BackupScheduleTypeNotSet - Backup schedule type needs to be set.
400 BackupStorageCredentialsNotSpecified - Backup storage credentials are not specified.
400 KeyVaultCredentialsNotSpecified - Key vault credentials not specified.
400 SqlCredentialsNotSpecified - SQL Server credentials are not specified.
400 IncompleteAutoPatchingSettings - Incomplete auto patching settings specified.
400 IncompleteAutoBackupSettings - Incomplete auto backup settings specified.
400 IncompleteSqlStorageSettings - Incomplete SQL storage settings specified.
400 InvalidVmResourceIdChange - Virtual machine resource id property cannot be updated.
400 SqlVmAlreadyIncludedInGroup - SQL virtual machine cannot be moved from one group to another in same operation.
400 SqlVmCannotRemoveFromGroup - SQL virtual machine cannot be removed from group.
400 VmLocationMismatch - VM location does not match that of SQL virtual machine.
400 VmInsufficientPermission - Insufficient permission to Vm.
400 SingleNicOnVmAllowed - Only Single NIC virtual machines are allowed in a SQL VM Group.
400 InvalidSqlVmGroupResourceIdParameterValue - SQL virtual machine group resource id is not in correct format.
400 MismatchVmGroupSubscription - Subscription id for SQL virtual machine and SQL virtual machine group are different.
400 IncompleteDomainCredentialsProperty - Incomplete input provided for domain credentials property.
400 BYOLChangeToPAYGNotSupported - The conversion from AHUB to PAYG is not supported for BYOL images
400 InvalidVmResourceIdParameterValue - Provided virtual machine resource id is not valid.
400 MismatchInSqlVmAndVmResourceIdSubscription - Mismatch in subscription id for SQL virtual machine and virtual machine resource id property.
400 MismatchSqlVmAndVmName - SQL virtual machine name is not same as the virtual machine name provided on VirtualMachineResourceId property.
400 MismatchSqlVmAndVmRgName - SQL virtual machine resource group name is not same as the virtual machine resource group name provided on VirtualMachineResourceId property.
400 NotSupportedSqlVmOSVersion - Virtual machine OS type is not Windows. Only Windows OS versions are supported
400 VmNotRunning - The VM is not in running state.
400 VmAgentNotRunning - The VM agent is not installed or in running state.
400 PAYGNotSupportedForNonGalleryVM - License type PAYG is invalid for this Virtual Machine as this was not created from Azure marketplace image.
400 CannotDetermineSqlVersionAndEditionFromVm - Sql IaaS Extension cannot determine the SQL version and edition from the vm.
400 MismatchSqlVmSku - Sql virtual machine sku mismatch.
400 CannotConvertToFreeBenefit - Cannot convert Free SQL editions to {0}.
400 SqlEvaluationSkuNotSupported - SQL Evaluation version does not support licensing changes.
400 IncompleteStorageConfigurationSettings - Incomplete Storage Configuration Settings
400 InvalidDefaultFilePath - Invalid Default File Path
400 InvalidLUNSpecified - Invalid Logical Unit number specified, Logical Unit number should be a non-negative number.
400 BothStorageV1V2Specified - Invalid Request. Only one of SQL Storage Storage Setting or Storage Configuration Settings should be specified
400 InvalidLUNsSpecifiedForSameDrive - Invalid Logical Unit numbers specified. Logical Unit number used for the same drive need to be the same.
400 InvalidLUNsSpecifiedForDifferentDrives - Invalid Logical Unit numbers specified. Different drive could not reuse the same Logical Unit number.
400 InvalidExtendPayload - Invalid Sql Storage Settings Extend Payload. Only support extend one drive at a time.
400 SqlLicenseTypeMissing - Please specify license type for Sql Virtual Machine. The property is 'SqlServerLicenceType' and allowed values are PAYG, AHUB and DR.
400 VmAgentIsRunningForNoAgent - Cannot create or update as NoAgent model while the Guest Agent is running.
400 InvalidSqlManagementMode - Cannot update the SQL management mode to {0}, the current mode is {1}. Please specify the value of property 'SqlManagement' as {1}.
400 CannotDetermineSqlEditionFromRequest - Cannot determine the SQL edition.
400 SqlManagementMissing - Please specify the Management Mode for Sql Virtual Machine. The property is 'SqlManagement' and allowed values are LightWeight or Full.
400 SqlImageSkuMissingNoAgent - Please specify the Sql Server Edition for Sql Virtual Machine in NoAgent Mode. The property is 'SqlImageSku' and allowed values are Developer, Express, Web, Standard, or Enterprise.
400 SqlImageOfferMissingNoAgent - Please specify the Sql Server Version and OS Version for Sql Virtual Machine in NoAgent Mode. The property is 'SqlImageOffer' and allowed values are SQL2008-WS2008 and SQL2008R2-WS2008.
400 InvalidSqlImageOfferChange - SqlImageOffer property cannot be updated.
400 SqlLicenseTypeNotSupported - SqlLicenseType NotSet incorrectly provided
400 UnsupportedSqlManagementMode - Cannot update the SQL management mode to {0}, only {1} mode is supported for {2}.
400 SqlVmInValidState - Cannot delete SqlVm since it's provisioned.
400 ClusterOperatorAccountIsEmpty - Cannot add a VM to a SQLVM Group when cluster operator account is null or empty. Please update the group resource: {0} with the cluster operator account.
400 SqlServiceAccountIsEmpty - Cannot add a VM to a SQLVM Group when SQL service account is null or empty. Please update the group resource: {0} with the SQL service account.
400 UnknownSqlManagementMode - Cannot update the SQL management mode to {0}, please use one of the supported values.
400 CandidateCurrentTimeIsAfterRegEndTime - Cannot register candidate entity as current time {0} is after allowed end time {1}.
400 CandidateRegStartTimeIsAfterRegEndTime - Cannot register candidate entity as allowed start time {0} is after allowed end time {1}.
400 VmOsTypeNotFound - OS type is not found.
400 SqlLicenseManagementNotAllowed - Please set the License type of sql vm resource to null. License type manageability is currently not supported in this cloud.
400 IPNotInSubnet - IP not part of subnet.
400 InvalidSqlSkuUpdate - SqlImageSku property cannot be updated when license type management is blocked.
400 VmOsVersionIsUnsupported - OS version is unsupported.
400 RedeployIsNotSupported - Redeploy is not supported when SqlVm is not provisioned.
400 InvalidLightweightMode - Invalid SQL VM Management mode. Please change SQL VM property 'SqlManagement' to FULL
400 InvalidAssessmentSettingsEnableIsFalse - Invalid assessment settings specified. Enable must be set to true to use other assessment settings.
400 SqlInstanceSettingsSet1NotAllowed - SQL Instance Settings MAXDOP, and Collation are not allowed to be configured if the Feature Switch is disabled
400 InvalidAssessmentScheduleSettings - Invalid assessment schedule settings specified.
400 LinuxDistroIsNotSupported - Linux distro is unsupported
400 SqlServerSettingCollationNotAllowedToUpdate - SQL Server collation is not allowed to be updated in manageability.
400 SqlServerSettingMinMemoryGreaterThanMaxMemory - SQL Server Min Server Memory (MB) cannot be greater than Max Server Memory (MB)
400 SqlInstanceSettingsSet2NotAllowed - SQL Instance Settings Optimize for adhoc workloads, Min server memory (MB) and Max server memory (MB) are not allowed to be configured if the Feature Switch is disabled
400 ClusterIpShouldBeEmpty - Argument wsfcStaticIp should be empty for single subnet listener
400 InvalidClusterIpAddress - Invalid cluster ip address provided.
400 SqlServerSettingLPIMNotAllowedToUpdate - SQL Server Lock Pages In Memory is not allowed to be updated in manageability.
400 SqlServerSettingIFINotAllowedToUpdate - SQL Server IFI is not allowed to be updated in manageability.
400 LeastPrivilegeModeEnableNotSupported - Least Privilege mode is not supported on LightWeight or NoAgent extension mode.
400 LeastPrivilegeModeChangeNotSupported - Cannot disable Least Privilege mode once enabled.
400 VmOSUnsupportedForAzureAD - OS is unsupported for Azure AD authentication.
400 SqlVersionUnsupportedForAzureAD - SQL version is unsupported for Azure AD authentication.
400 EnableAzureADInProvisionUnsupported - Enable Azure AD authentication in provision is unsupported.
400 MSIClientIdRequired - MSI client Id is required for Azure AD authentication.
400 AzureADAuthenticationNotAllowed - Configuring Azure AD authentication is currently not allowed.
400 CannotFindExtensionVersion - Cannot determine SQL IaaS Extension version.
400 LeastPrivilegeModeOnlySupportedForSQL2012AndAbove - Least privilege mode is only supported for SQL server 2012 and above versions.
400 InvalidLunForNotUseStoragePool - Invalid LUN specified for storage configuration settings. Only one lun should be provided to build the drive if not using storage pool.
400 ConflictStoragePoolConfigForUseSameDrive - UseStoragePool values are different while set to share the same drive. UseStoragePool value will be considered as True by default if not specified otherwise.
400 StoragePoolConfigNotSupportedInExtend - UseStoragePool parameter is not supported in EXTEND operations.
400 StoragePoolConfigNotAllowed - Configuring storage pool option when creating/updating sql vm is not allowed at the moment.
400 PowerBiVmsNotSupported - Creating SQL Virtual Machine Resource for PowerBI VM images is not supported.
400 SubscriptionFeatureRegistrationsApiCallFailed - API call to check if subscription is registered to the feature has failed
400 InvalidFileSizeSpecified - Invalid Request. File Size cannot be negative
400 MissingPatchParameters - Missing PATCH parameters on the request.
400 InvalidFileCountSpecified - Invalid Request. File Count cannot be negative
400 InvalidMIResourceId - Invalid value given for Managed Identity Resource Id. Specify a valid value.
400 MismatchMIResourceId - The provided User assigned identity is not associated with the Virtual Machine.
400 ManagedIdentityNotEnabled - The provided identity type is not enabled on the Virtual Machine.
400 IncorrectAdditionalVmPatch - The value provided for AdditionalVmPatch is invalid.
400 SubscriptionNotReady - Subscription not ready
400 SqlVersionMismatchWithGroup - SQL version mismatch with SQL virtual machine group.
400 VmOSVersionMismatchWithGroup - OS version mismatch with group.
400 InvalidSqlImageOffer - Provided SQL image offer is invalid.
400 SqlSkuMismatchWithGroup - SQL sku set on the SQL virtual machine group does not match that of the SQL virtual machine.
400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to parameter.
400 RPGenericUser - User Failure when calling other Resource Provider.
400 RPResponseMissingAsyncOperationHeader - Response is missing Async operation header information
400 InvalidArgument - Invalid argument '{0}'.
400 ArgumentNotInRange - Argument '{0}' not in range.
400 ResourceNotProvisioned - As the resource: {0} is not in a provisioned state, the request cannot be proceeded forward
400 CRPNotAllowedOperation - Operation cannot be completed due to the following error: {0}
400 AadAppDisabled - Microsoft AAD app SQLVMResourceProviderAuth ({0}) is disabled in your tenant.
400 InternalAPIAccessDenied - Internal API Access denied. App Id {0} is not valid to use this API.
400 InvalidSQLAuthPasswordLength - SQL auth password should not be greater than 128 characters
400 InvalidRgResourceId - Invalid Resourcegroup resource id specified.
403 AccessDenied - Access denied.
404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveSqlVMInResourceGroup - Subscription does not have SQL virtual machine Instance in resource group.
404 SubscriptionDoesNotExist - Subscription id does not exist.
404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveSqlVMGroupInResourceGroup - Subscription does not have SQL virtual machine group in resource group.
404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.
404 SubscriptionDoesNotExist - Subscription id does not exist.
404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource does not exist.
404 RPOperationNotFound - Operation not found
404 OperationIdNotFound - Operation id could not be found.
404 OperationTypeNotFound - Operation Type not found.
409 IPNotAvailable - IP {0} is not available{1}. Consider using one from ({2})
409 IpAddressAlreadyReserved - IP address reserved for this listener already exists. Please use the IP address
409 OperationInProgress - Operation in progress on resource already.
409 OperationCanceled - Operation Cancelled.
409 ResourceAlreadyExists - Resource already exists.
409 LBGenericErrors - LB operation failed
409 NICGenericError - NIC operation failed
409 SqlExtensionNotInstalled - SQL extension not installed.
409 RPPluginSubstatusMissing - RP plugin substatus missing
409 MissingMoveResources - Cannot move resources(s) because some resources are missing in the request.
409 ResourceExists - There was an internal error in cleaning up of resources.
409 SubscriptionOperationInProgress - An operation on subscription is already in progress
429 SqlVmGroupGmsaNotAllowed - GMSA account is not supported yet.
429 SqlVmGroupGmsaInfoInvalid - GMSA info such as SqlServiceAccount is not valid.
429 TooManyRequestsReceived - Request throttled due to too many requests.
429 ArgumentMissingForSetup - Argument is missing for setup. Please provide a value for the argument.
429 MultisubnetOperationNotAllowed - Multi subnet HA setup operation is not allowed.
500 FailedToGetRestoreStatusFromTableStorage - Failed to get restore status from table storage.
500 UnExpectedErrorOccurred - Unexpected error occurred.
500 OperationTimeout - Operation timed out.
500 RPGenericSystem - System Failure when calling other Resource Provider.
500 StorageAccountUnexpectedError - Unexpected error for storage account.
500 SqlVmEntityNotFound - SQL VM entity not found.
500 RestoreJobEntityNotFound - Restore job entity not found.
500 RpPluginSubstatusHAStatusMissing - Resource provider plugin substatus is missing HA status.