Common Error Codes for Storage Resource Provider

The following are the list of HTTP Status code and ErrorCode messages that are common for all Storage Resource Provider operations.

Error Code HTTP status code Description
InvalidHttpVerb Bad Request (400) The HTTP verb specified was not recognized by the server or isn’t valid for this resource.
MissingOrIncorrectVersionHeader Bad Request (400) The versioning header is not specified or was specified incorrectly.
MissingOrInvalidRequiredQueryParameter Bad Request (400) A required query parameter was not specified for this request or was specified incorrectly.
StorageAccountNameNotValid Bad Request (400) The specified account name is not valid.
AuthenticationFailed Forbidden (403) The server failed to authenticate the request. Verify that the certificate is valid and is associated with this subscription.
SubscriptionDisabled Forbidden (403) The subscription is in a disabled state.
ResourceNotFound Not Found (404) The specified resource does not exist.
SubscriptionNotFound Not Found (404) The subscription specified is not found.
SubscriptionStateForbidden Not Found (404) The subscription is not ready for storage account operations.
StorageAccountBeingCreated Conflict (409) This specified storage account is being created.
StorageAccountIsNotProvisioned Conflict (409) The storage account provisioning state must be 'Succeeded' before executing the operation.
StorageAccountOperationInProgress Conflict (409) A write operation for the storage account is in progress.
TooManyRequests ResourceCollectionRequestsThrottled (429) The request is being throttled. The response includes a retry-after value, which specifies the number of seconds your application should wait (or sleep) before sending the next request. If you send a request before the retry value elapses, your request isn't processed and a new retry value is returned.
InternalError Internal Server Error (500) The server encountered an internal error. Please retry the request.
OperationTimedOut Internal Server Error (500) The operation could not be completed within the permitted time.
ServerBusy Service Unavailable (503) The server (or an internal component) is currently unavailable to receive requests. Please retry your request.