Azure Center for SAP Solutions & Azure Monitor or SAP solutions


We have released a new REST API version for Azure Center for SAP solutions 2023-10-01-preview. The previous version of the API is 2023-04-01.

The latest API version for Azure Monitor for SAP solutions remains to be 2023-04-01.

The older preview versions of the REST API: 2022-11-01-preview and 2021-12-01-preview will be retired soon

If you use Azure Center for SAP solutions or Azure Monitor for SAP solutions from the Azure Portal only, there is no action you need to take.

If you are using the the REST API versions 2021-12-01-preview or 2022-11-01-preview, we recommend you to start using the newest version for a seamless experience.

Please reach out to Suport team if you face any issues with the new API version.

The Workloads platform offers deployment and management service for SAP and PHP workloads.

For SAP workload there are two services:

  • Azure Center for SAP solutions (ACSS)
  • Azure Monitor for SAP solutions (AMS)

Azure Center for SAP solutions (ACSS) is an Azure offering that makes SAP a top-level workload on Azure. You can use ACSS to deploy or manage SAP systems on Azure seamlessly. The deployment experience sets up and connects the individual SAP components on your behalf. ACSS simplifies the management of SAP systems and provides quality checks to increase the reliability of these systems on Azure.

An important concept in ACSS is the Virtual Instance for SAP solutions (VIS) resource. The VIS is a logical representation of an SAP system on Azure.

Azure Monitor for SAP Solutions (AMS) is an Azure-native monitoring product for anyone running their SAP landscapes on Azure. It works with both SAP on Azure Virtual Machines and SAP on Azure Large Instances.

With Azure Monitor for SAP Solutions, you can collect telemetry data from Azure infrastructure and databases in one central location and visually correlate the data for faster troubleshooting.You can monitor different components of an SAP landscape like SAP HANA database, SAP NetWeaver, and so on, by adding the corresponding provider for that component.