Azure Container Instances - container with secrets
This template demonstrates a simple use case for secret volumes of Azure Container Instances. When creating a container with the image containerinstance/helloworld:ssl, it sets up HTTP connections with the certificate and password passed in as secret volumes.
A PFX certificate is encoded in Base64 and mounted as a secret volume. Inside the container the certificate is accessible as a file with path /mnt/secrets/sslCertificateData. The password of the PFX certificate is also encoded in Base64, and mounted as a secret volume. Inside the container the certificate is accessible as a file with path /mnt/secrets/sslCertificatePwd.
The parameters sslCertificateData and sslCertificatePwd are only for demo purpose. Please create your own certificate when creating container groups.
Tags: Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups, Public