Create a Firewall and FirewallPolicy with Rules and Ipgroups
This template deploys an Azure Firewall with Firewall Policy (including multiple application and network rules) referencing of IP Groups in application and network rules.
IP Groups is a top-level resource that allows you to group and manage IP addresses in Firewall Policy rules. You can give your IP Group a name and create one by entering IP addresses or uploading a file. It eases your management experience and reduce time spent managing IP addresses by using them in a single firewall policy or across multiple firewall policies.
An IP Group can support individual or multiple IP addresses, ranges, or subnets.
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Tags: Microsoft.Network/ipGroups, Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks, Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses, Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies, Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/ruleCollectionGroups, Allow, Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls