Create Storage Account & enable protection via Backup Vault
This template create storage account and enables blobs protection via Azure Backup.
A disaster recovery and data protection strategy keeps your business running when unexpected events occur.
The Backup service is Microsoft's born in the cloud backup solution to backup data that's located on-premises and in Azure. It replaces your existing on-premises or offsite backup solution with a reliable, secure and cost competitive cloud backup solution. It also provides the flexibility of protecting your assets running in the cloud. Learn more.
Overview of Azure Blob backup
Azure Backup provides both operational and vaulted backup solution for Azure Blobs. Learn more
Operational Backup
Operational backup uses blob platform capabilities to protect your data and allow recovery when required:
Point-in-time restore: Blob point-in-time restore allows restoring blob data to an earlier state. This, in turn, uses soft delete, change feed and blob versioning to retain data for the specified duration. Operational backup takes care of enabling point-in-time restore as well as the underlying capabilities to ensure data is retained for the specified duration.
Delete lock: Delete lock prevents the storage account from being deleted accidentally or by unauthorized users. Operational backup when configured also automatically applies a delete lock to reduce the possibilities of data loss because of storage account deletion.
Vaulted Backup
Vaulted backup uses the platform capability of object replication to copy data to the Backup vault. Object replication asynchronously copies block blobs between a source storage account and a destination storage account. The contents of the blob, any versions associated with the blob, and the blob's metadata and properties are all copied from the source container to the destination container.
When you configure protection, Azure Backup allocates a destination storage account (Backup vault's storage account managed by Azure Backup) and enables object replication policy at container level on both destination and source storage account. When a backup job is triggered, the Azure Backup service creates a recovery point marker on the source storage account and polls the destination account for the recovery point marker replication. Once the replication point marker is present on the destination, a recovery point is created.
Delete a Backup Vault
You can't delete a Backup vault with any of the following dependencies:
- You can't delete a vault that contains protected data sources (for example, Azure database for PostgreSQL servers, Azure Blobs, Azure Disks).
- You can't delete a vault that contains backup data. If you try to delete the vault without removing the dependencies, you'll encounter the following error messages: Cannot delete the Backup vault as there are existing backup instances or backup policies in the vault. Delete all backup instances and backup policies that are present in the vault and then try deleting the vault. Here are the steps for Delete a Backup Vault
Tags: Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults, systemAssigned, [parameters('vaultStorageRedundancy')], Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupPolicies, Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts, Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments, Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupInstances