Deploy the CoScale platform on a single VM.
CoScale is a full-stack monitoring solution tailored towards production environments running microservices, see for more information. This template installs the CoScale platform on a single VM and should only be used for Proof-Of-Concept environments.
This template automatically creates all required objects, such as a storage account, virtual network, nic, load balancer, public ip.
The following parameters should be provided by the user:
- coscaleKey: a CoScale registration key that can be retrieved at
- coscaleEmail: email address for the super user on your private CoScale instance
- coscalePassword: password for the super user on your private CoScale instance
Once the template finishes it will output the URL of your private CoScale instance.
Install agent
This directory also contains a script to deploy the CoScale agent on all VMs in a resource group.
- This single VM deployment should only be used for Proof-Of-Concept environments.
- There is no backup of the data that is collected using this setup.
- Since the created objects have fixed names they can be deployed only once per resource group.
Tags: Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses, Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks, Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups, Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces, Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines, extensions, CustomScript