Create an Azure Cosmos DB SQL Account with data plane RBAC
This template will create a SQL Cosmos account, a natively maintained Role Definition, and a natively maintained Role Assignment for an AAD identity.
Below are the parameters which can be user configured in the parameters file including:
- Location: Select where the resource should be created (default is target resource group's location).
- Account Name: Enter a name for the new Cosmos account.
- Role Definition Name: Enter a friendly name for the SQL Role Definition.
- Data Actions: Enter the list of actions permitted by the SQL Role Definition.
- Principal ID: Enter the object ID of the AAD identity to which the Role Assignment shall be granted.
Tags : CosmosDB
Tags: Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts, Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlRoleDefinitions, CustomRole, Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlRoleAssignments