Deploy an entry level Disk Pool
This template deploys a Disk Pool with an existing 1TB Premium Disk into an existing subnet.
This template needs the following pre-requisites:
- A virtual network and subnet in the same location as the Disk Pool. The subnet needs to be delegated to "Microsoft.StoragePool/diskPools".
- 1 1TB Premium disk in the same location as the Disk Pool.
- "Disk Pool Operator" role assignment with the "StoragePool Resource Provider" role on the disk.
**Use following powershell command to get Principal ID associated with a tenant. The ID is the principal ID.
PS C:\> Get-AzADServicePrincipal -DisplayName "StoragePool Resource Provider"
Tags: Microsoft.StoragePool/diskPools, Microsoft.StoragePool/diskPools/iscsiTargets, Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks, Microsoft.Compute/disks, Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments