Integration Service Environment Template

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Azure US Gov Last Test Date Azure US Gov Last Test Result

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Deploy To Azure Visualize


This template creates a VNET with four subnets then deploys an Integration Service Environment and selected managed connectors.

This template deploys the following resources:

  • Virtual Network
  • Four Subnets
  • Integration Service Environment
    • Managed Connectors

Managed Connectors

All native connectors will be available by default in ISE. Refer to documentation to learn more about ISE specific Managed Connectors. These need to be specifically deployed into the ISE to be available (with the ISE label) in the Logic Apps editor. At the time of creation of this template, the possible list of values for the managedConnectors template parameter are:

Value Connector
sql SQL Server
ftp FTP
azureblob Azure Blob Storage
azurefile Azure File Storage
azurequeues Azure Queues
azuretables Azure Table Storage
sftpwithssh SFTP - SSH
edifact EDIFACT
x12 X12
servicebus Service Bus
documentdb Cosmos DB
eventhubs Event Hubs
mq IBM WebSphere MQ
sqldw SQL Data Warehouse
db2 DB2
smtp SMTP
si3270 IBM 3270

Specify the values in the template (CLI or Portal UX) as a JSON array:



["mq", "servicebus"]

Deleting the Resource Group

As the Integration Service Environment puts a subnet service delegation on the first subnet of the VNET, the resource group will fail to be deleted if you try to delete the entire resource group in one go. To delete the resource group:

  • Delete the Integration Service Environment first
  • Update the first subnet that has a service delegation to the Integration Service Environment and change the delegation to None
  • Delete the VNET and the Resource Group


  • This template does not deploy a Network Security Group and NSG rules. Review the documentation on recommendations for filtering traffic in your virtual network.

  • There is a rebuildVNET parameter in the template. If the VNET has already been deployed, this should be changed to false so it doesn't try deleting and recreating the VNET (it will attempt it even if the deployment mode is set to Incremental).

Tags: Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks, subnets, Microsoft.Logic/integrationServiceEnvironments, [parameters('accessEndpointType')], Microsoft.Logic/integrationServiceEnvironments/ManagedApis