Kentico Xperience

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This template deploys resources required to host Kentico Xperience environments in Microsoft Azure.

Kentico Xperience is an all-in-one content management, E-commerce, and Online Marketing platform that drives business results for companies of all sizes, both on-premise or in the cloud. It gives customers and partners powerful, comprehensive tools and customer-centric solutions to create stunning websites and manage customer experiences easily in a dynamic business environment.

Xperience supports website development using ASP.​NET Core or ASP.NET MVC 5. The support is based on a live site application, running together with a separate Xperience administration application that serves as a content platform.

Both the Xperience and live site applications access data from the same database and use the Xperience API. Web farms handle content synchronization of the application cache, files, and other data. This approach allows the live site and the administration to exist separately, providing finer control over each website's presentation layer.

Deployed resources

The template deploys the following resources:


Deploys an Azure SQL server with the specified configuration.

The deployed SQL server by default only allows connections from other Azure resources. To allow connections from non-Azure services or environments, you need to set custom firewall rules.

Deployed resources

  • Azure SQL Server: An Azure SQL Server instance


Deploys and configures two Azure App Service Web Apps, each with a separate hosting plan (allowing for independent scale-out of both applications to multiple instances). In most cases, the live site application will receive the bulk of the traffic and have different performance requirements than the administration interface.

Furthermore, if deployed to an App Service plan with a pricing tier of S1 or higher, the Web App hosting the live site application is configured to automatically scale out to up to two instances when necessary via the 'Autoscale' feature. Note that using 'Autoscale' may require you to reconfigure the live site application's session state storage to account for multiple applications. See Storing session state data in an Azure Environment in the Xperience documentation.

Deployed resources:

  • Administration App Service Plan: An App Service plan housing the Xperience administration application
  • Live-site App Service Plan: An App Service plan housing the ASP.NET Core or MVC 5 front-end application
  • Azure App Service front-end Web App: A Web App hosting the front-end application
  • Azure App Service administration Web App: A Web App hosting the Xperience Administration application


Deploys Application Insights for the live site application.

Deployed resources

  • Application Insights: An Application Insights service that provides performance monitoring for the Web App hosting the live site application.


You can use this template to configure and deploy resources necessary to host a Kentico Xperience environment in Azure. A recommended development process follows these general steps:

  1. Develop an MVC or Core Xperience project locally.
  2. Use this template to deploy resources necessary to host the Xperience site in Azure (click Deploy to Azure at the top of this document).
    • See the Deployed resources section for an overview of all resources deployed by the template.
  3. Publish the Xperience administration and front-end applications to the deployed Web Apps.
  4. Upload the project's database to a database created under the Azure SQL server instance deployed by the template.

For more information about site development and general best practices, visit the Xperience documentation.

Tags: Kentico, Xperience, cms, ASP.NET, content management, e-commerce, online marketing, Microsoft.Resources/deployments, Microsoft.Sql/servers, firewallrules, Microsoft.Web/serverfarms, Microsoft.Web/sites, SQLServer, Microsoft.Insights/autoscalesettings, ChangeCount, Microsoft.Insights/components