Create an Azure VM with a new Active Directory Forest

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This module creates an Active Directory Domain Controller with a new forest, domain and DC.

This is an experimental module at the moment...


Name Type Required Description
adminUsername string Yes The name of the administrator account of the new VM and domain.
adminPassword securestring Yes The password for the administrator account of the new VM and domain.
domainName string Yes The FQDN of the Active Directory Domain to be created.
dnsPrefix string No The DNS prefix for the public IP address used by the Load Balancer.
vmSize string No Size of the VM for the controller.
_artifactsLocation string No The base URI where artifacts required by this template are located. When the template is deployed using the accompanying scripts, a private location in the subscription will be used and this value will be automatically generated.
_artifactsLocationSasToken securestring No The sasToken required to access _artifactsLocation. When the template is deployed using the accompanying scripts, a sasToken will be automatically generated.
location string No Specifies the Azure location where the resources will be created.
virtualMachineName string No The name of the AD Virtual Machine.
virtualNetworkName string No The name of the virtualNetwork.
subnetName string No The name of the subnet.
virtualNetworkAddressRange string No Virtual network address range.
privateIPAddress string No Private IP Address of the DNS server.
subnetRange string No Subnet IP range.


Name Type Description
dnsIpAddress string The IP address of the DNS server. The value of the privateIpAddress parameter.
domainName string The FQDN of the domain. The value of the domainName parameter.
virtualNetworkSubscriptionId string SubscriptionId of the virtualNetwork. The value of subscription().subscriptionId.
virtualNetworkResourceGroupName string Name of the resourceGroup for the virtualNetwork. The value of resourceGroup().name
virtualNetworkName string Name of the virtualNetwork. The value of the virtualNetworkName parameter.
subnetName string The name of the subnet.
virtualNetworkAddressPrefixes array Address ranges for the virtualNetwork. The value of the virtualNetworkAddressRanges parameter.

apiVersion: n/a

Tags: Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses, Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets, Microsoft.Resources/deployments, Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers, Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces, Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines, extensions, DSC, Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks