OpenScholar template
This template deploys a OpenScholar to the ubuntu VM 16.04
- Deploys on a Ubuntu VM 16.04
- The template installs Drupal and MySQL
Deployment steps
You can click the "deploy to Azure" button at the beginning of this document.
Parameters to provide while deploying
- adminVMUsername: Provide admin VM username
- adminVMPassword: Provide admin VM password
- databaseName: Provide database name for openscholar
- mysqlPassword: Provide SMTP email for mail configuration
Configuration of OpenScholar
- Once the script is run, we need to install the drupal from the domain we have created.
- Access the domain that is created.
- It will redirect you to
link - It checks if the requirements are met, if yes it takes to database configuration
- Provide the database name which you have send as second parameter, mysql user is "root" and password the one you have send as first parameter.
- Go to the next step of configuring site, where you provide the site information, Name of the site, admin username and password
- Next option is to choose an environment. There are two environments production deployment and development. Choose Production deployment
- Next is Installation type - Please choose multi-tenant install. It will install the supplement modules which are required
- Once it is done, we can visit the admin section also the front end section.
- To change the admin theme, please go to domain and you can change the administration theme.
How to access the OpenScholar Site
- You can access the site using the domain/host name you provide as the parameter while deploying the template.
Tags: Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses, Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups, Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks, Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces, Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines, Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions, CustomScript