Reserved IP Use Case Snippet

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Azure US Gov Last Test Date Azure US Gov Last Test Result

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This template demonstrates the currently supported use case for Reserved IP. A Reserved IP is simply a statically allocated Public IP.

There is currently only one supported use case: assign a Reserved IP to the front end of the Azure Load Balancer.

This template goes one step further: it both creates a new Reserved IP and assigns it to a load balancer and it uses a previously existing Reserved IP and assigns it to a separate load balancer.


Three parameters are needed in support of the "previously existing Reserved IP" use case:

  1. existingRIPSubId - subscription ID of the subscription with the previously existing Reserved IP
  2. existingRIPResourceGroupName - name of the resource group with the previously existing Reserved IP
  3. existingRIPName - name of the previously existing Reserved IP

How to Create 'Existing' Reserved IP

  1. Create a resource group (or use an existing one)

New-AzureResourceGroup -Name ExistingReservedIP -Location 'West US'

  1. Create a statically allocated PIP in that RG

New-AzurePublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName ExistingReservedIPRG -Name goliveRIP -Location 'West US'

This step is mandatory for the template to work as designed.

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Tags: Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses, Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers