Scalable Umbraco CMS Web App
Fastest way to build an optimized and hassle free Umbraco CMS Website for Azure App Service Web Apps. This is a starter template which has pre configured Umbraco CMS solution with SQL Azure , Azure Storage for media content and Azure Redis cache for maintaining session state. It was built to provide a quick install and configured Umbraco CMS that allows you to scale on the cloud as your web app grows. This option is ideal for Web developers, Creative agencies, Businesses and Enterprises.
Tags: microsoft.insights/actionGroups, Microsoft.Cache/Redis, Microsoft.Sql/servers, databases, firewallrules, Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts, Microsoft.Web/serverfarms, Microsoft.Web/Sites, Extensions, config, SQLAzure, microsoft.insights/autoscalesettings, ChangeCount, Microsoft.Insights/metricAlerts, microsoft.insights/components