System Insights sample capability

This sample demonstrates how to write a capability in System Insights. This sample demonstrates how to:

  • Specify capability metadata, such as the version, publisher, and description.
  • Register the data sources to collect and persist locally.
  • Make a prediction by reading the data sources that System Insights has collected and persisted.
  • Return prediction results to System Insights.
  • Cancel a prediction.

System Insights overview

Adding and developing capabilities

Operating system requirements

Server: Windows Server Version 1809 or later

Build the sample

  1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio and select File > Open > Project/Solution.
  2. Open SampleCapability.sln, a Visual Studio Solution file.
  3. Press F7 or use Build > Build Solution to build the sample.

Run the sample

After you've created the capability library, you need to add the capability to System Insights.

  1. Confirm you're running the a version of Windows Server which has the System Insights feature installed.
    • This sample requires Windows Server Version 1809 or later.
  2. Copy the capability library onto the server.
  3. Add the capability using the Add-InsightsCapability cmdlet:
Add-InsightsCapability -Name "Sample capability" -Library "C:\SampleCapability.dll"
  1. Invoke the capability using the Invoke-InsightsCapability cmdlet. Note that System Insights may not have collected any data yet if you invoke the capability immediately after adding it.