Azure Automation State Configuration

These Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template samples deploy an Azure Automation account and imports / compiles two PowerShell Desired State Configuration scripts. The template then deploys 1 to many virtual machines (Windows and Linux), onboards them into Azure Automation State Configuration, which then uses the compiled configurations to install a webserver on each of the virtual machines. See Azure Automation State Configuration on the Azure Architecture Center for more context.

Deploy sample

Create a resource group for the deployment.

az group create --name state-configuration --location eastus

Run the following command to initiate the deployment. If you would like to adjust the number of virtual machines deployed, update the windowsVMCount and linuxVMCount values.

az deployment group create --resource-group state-configuration \

Once complete, click on the Automation Account resource and then State configuration (DSC) and notice that all virtual machines have been added to the system and are compliant. These machines have all had the PowerShell DSC configuration applied, which has installed a web server on each.

Image of DSC compliance results as seen in the Azure portal.

Browse to the public IP address of any virtual machine to verify that a web server is running.

Image of an Nginx web server default page.

Solution deployment parameters

Parameter Type Description Default
adminUserName string If deploying virtual machines, the admin user name. null
adminPassword securestring If deploying virtual machines, the admin password. null
windowsVMCount int Number of Windows virtual machines to create in spoke network. 0
linuxVMCount int Number of Linux virtual machines to create in spoke network. 1
vmSize string Size for the Windows and Linux virtual machines. Standard_A1_v2
windowsConfiguration object DSC configuration details for the Windows virtual machines. name, description, script
linuxConfiguration object DSC configuration details for the Linux virtual machines. name, description, script
virtualNetworkName string Name for the virtual network. virtial-network
addressPrefix string Address prefix for the virtual network.
subnetPrefix string Address prefix for the subnet.
subnetName string Name for the subnet. subnet
location string Deployment location. resourceGroup().location

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