IDebugApplication Interface
Exposes non-remote debugging methods for use by language engines and hosts.
In addition to the methods inherited from IRemoteDebugApplication
, the IDebugApplication
interface exposes the following methods.
Methods in Vtable Order
Method | Description |
IDebugApplication::SetName | Sets the name of the application. |
IDebugApplication::StepOutComplete | Notifies the process debug manager that a language engine in single-step mode is about to return to its caller. |
IDebugApplication::DebugOutput | Causes the given string to be displayed by the debugger IDE. |
IDebugApplication::StartDebugSession | Starts the default debugger IDE and attaches a debug session to this application, if one is not already attached. |
IDebugApplication::HandleBreakPoint | Causes the current thread to block and sends a notification of the breakpoint to the debugger IDE. |
IDebugApplication::Close | Causes this application to release all references and enter an inactive state. |
IDebugApplication::GetBreakFlags | Returns the current break flags for the application. |
IDebugApplication::GetCurrentThread | Returns the thread associated with the currently running thread. |
IDebugApplication::CreateAsyncDebugOperation | Provides asynchronous access to a given synchronous debug operation. |
IDebugApplication::AddStackFrameSniffer | Adds a stack frame enumerator provider to this application. |
IDebugApplication::RemoveStackFrameSniffer | Removes a stack frame enumerator provider from this application. |
IDebugApplication::QueryCurrentThreadIsDebuggerThread | Determines if the current running thread is the debugger thread. |
IDebugApplication::SynchronousCallInDebuggerThread | Provides a mechanism for the caller to run code in the debugger thread. |
IDebugApplication::CreateApplicationNode | Creates a new application node that is associated with a specific document provider. |
IDebugApplication::FireDebuggerEvent | Fires a generic event to the debugger's IApplicationDebugger interface. |
IDebugApplication::HandleRuntimeError | Causes the current thread to block and sends a notification of the error to the debugger IDE. |
IDebugApplication::FCanJitDebug | Determines if a just-in-time (JIT) debugger is registered. |
IDebugApplication::FIsAutoJitDebugEnabled | Determines if a JIT debugger is registered to auto-debug dumb hosts. |
IDebugApplication::AddGlobalExpressionContextProvider | Adds a global expression context provider to this application. |
IDebugApplication::RemoveGlobalExpressionContextProvider | Removes a global expression context provider from this application. |