Legacy Semantic Kernel Memory Stores


We recommend using the Vector Store abstractions instead of the legacy Memory Stores. For more information on how to use the Vector Store abstractions start here.

Semantic Kernel provides a set of Memory Store abstractions where the primary interface is Microsoft.SemanticKernel.Memory.IMemoryStore.

Memory Store vs Vector Store abstractions

As part of an effort to evolve and expand the vector storage and search capbilities of Semantic Kernel, we have released a new set of abstractions to replace the Memory Store abstractions. We are calling the replacement abstractions Vector Store abstractions. The purpose of both are similar, but their interfaces differ and the Vector Store abstractions provide expanded functionality.

Characteristic Legacy Memory Stores Vector Stores
Main Interface IMemoryStore IVectorStore
Abstractions nuget package Microsoft.SemanticKernel.Abstractions Microsoft.Extensions.VectorData.Abstractions
Naming Convention {Provider}MemoryStore, e.g. RedisMemoryStore {Provider}VectorStore, e.g. RedisVectorStore
Supports record upsert, get and delete Yes Yes
Supports collection create and delete Yes Yes
Supports vector search Yes Yes
Supports choosing your preferred vector search index and distance function No Yes
Supports multiple vectors per record No Yes
Supports custom schemas No Yes
Supports metadata pre-filtering for vector search No Yes
Supports vector search on non-vector databases by downloading the entire dataset onto the client and doing a local vector search Yes No

Available Memory Store connectors

Semantic Kernel offers several Memory Store connectors to vector databases that you can use to store and retrieve information. These include:

Service C# Python
Vector Database in Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL C# Python
Vector Database in vCore-based Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB C# Python
Azure AI Search C# Python
Azure PostgreSQL Server C#
Azure SQL Database C#
Chroma C# Python
DuckDB C#
Milvus C# Python
MongoDB Atlas Vector Search C# Python
Pinecone C# Python
Postgres C# Python
Qdrant C#
Redis C#
Sqlite C#
Weaviate C# Python