Getting Started with the Services Hub - Unified Customers

Onboarding your Team to the Services Hub

The Microsoft Services Hub is a support portal that provides visibility into all of your Microsoft products and services, tailored training and support resources, and solution monitoring to efficiently help ​prevent and resolve issues.

To get up to speed, make sure to talk to your team about the core navigation, the dashboard, and where they can find more information about all the Services Hub features. All of that information is found in this guide.

To get started, follow these four steps

  1. Register with the Services Hub and review the Services Hub registration email.

  2. Invite others on your team. Make sure to invite others on your team to the Services Hub who will be your named support contacts. Then set permissions on the Manage Users page to allow them to see their access ID and password.

  3. Watch the Services Hub overview videos and share them with your team.

  4. Identify your Azure administrator and get started with on-demand assessments.

Beyond the basics - Answers to questions and step-by-step guidance

Show your team where they can learn more and get their questions answered by making sure that they are familiar with: