Creating a New Program

On the Services Hub Primary Navigation, click IT Health and then select Programs.

Navigating to Programs from Services Hub Primary navigation.

From the Programs page, select Create a New Program. Choose the type of Program you would like to create. Then click Next.

Selecting type of Program.

If you selected an Assessment Remediation or Capability program, you will be asked to select the template for your program. This identifies which On-Demand Assessment or Survey that you have taken so the recommendations associated with that IP will be pulled into the Program as tasks. For example, if you have taken an Active Directory On-Demand Assessment and the Active Directory Survey, these recommendations will be pulled into your program automatically.

You can add a description to your program while also adding an outcome(s) that will describe the result of the program once completed.

The creator of the program will automatically be the owner of the program. Set your Start date and Target date for this Program. Add any members that are registered in the Services Hub you want as part of your Program. Customer members can be set to “Edit” or “View” permissions. All of these attributes can always be edited or entered at a later time.

Click Save.

Your Program details and description.


You can only add people to your Program that have already registered to the Services Hub in this workspace. These users have two types of permissions: Edit or View. Users can be added, edited, or deleted from the Program at any time.

See Section 3 - Program Tasks.