Microsoft 365 Community Conference
May 6, 2 PM - May 9, 12 AM
Skill up for the era of AI at the ultimate community-led Microsoft 365 event, May 6-8 in Las Vegas.
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Learn about the new public classes in the SharePoint server object model and Silverlight client object model that are used to develop integrated solutions for SharePoint and Windows Phone 7.5.
All classes in this section are in the Microsoft.SharePoint.Client namespace. In addition to the APIs in this section, most of the classes and members in the section Server Object Model for SharePoint Mobility are also callable in the client object model. For classes that begin with "SP", the client object model name has the "SP" removed. In other cases, the client object model name is specified. Member names are the same in the client object model except where specified otherwise.
JSLink based customizations (client-side rendering) are not supported in modern experiences. This includes modern lists and libraries, including JSLink support in the list view web parts of the modern pages. Client-side rendering is supported in the classic experiences in SharePoint Online or in on-premises.
Represents an alternative URL for a web application and the zone to which it applies.
public class AlternateUrl
Uri (read-only)
Gets the URI of the alternate URL.
public String Uri
UrlZone (read-only)
Gets the zone of the alternate URL.
public UrlZone UrlZone
The UrlZone class is the client object model version of the SPUrlZone class in the server object model. For more information about it, see the SharePoint 2010 Software Development Kit (SDK).
Provides data about an AuthenticationCompleted event.
public sealed class AuthenticationCompletedEventArgs : AsyncCompletedEventArgs
Initializes a new instance of the AuthenticationCompletedEventArgs class.
public AuthenticationCompletedEventArgs(Exception error, bool canceled, HttpStatusCode userState)
error is the Exception object if there was an exception thrown in the authentication attempt.
canceled is true if the authentication attempt was canceled before it could succeed or fail.
userState is the HttpStatusCode returned by the server.
HttpStatusCode (read-only)
Gets the status returned by the server after an authentication attempt.
public HttpStatusCode HttpStatusCode
Specifies the current state of an authentication attempt.
Provides methods for authenticating a user on a SharePoint website.
public class Authenticator : ICredentials
Initializes a new instance of the class.
public Authenticator()
public Authenticator(Uri uagServerUrl)
uagServerUrl is the absolute URL of a United Access Gateway (UAG) server.
public Authenticator(string userName, string password)
userName is the name for the credentials.
password is the password for the credentials.
public Authenticator(string userName, string password, string domain)
userName is the name for the credentials.
password is the password for the credentials.
domain is the name of the domain or computer where the credentials are verified, typically the domain of the current user.
public Authenticator(string userName, string password, Uri uagServerUrl)
userName is the name for the credentials.
password is the password for the credentials.
uagServerUrl is the absolute URL of a United Access Gateway (UAG) server.
public Authenticator(string userName, string password, string domain, Uri uagServerUrl)
userName is the name for the credentials.
password is the password for the credentials.
domain is the name of the domain or computer where the credentials are verified, typically the domain of the current user.
uagServerUrl is the absolute URL of a United Access Gateway (UAG) server.
Clears all cookies, credentials, and UAG settings from the cache.
public static void ClearAllApplicationSettings
Clears all stored cookies and sets the Status property of all Authenticator objects to NotStarted.
public static void ClearAllCookies()
Clears all credentials from the cache and sets the Status property of all Authenticator objects to NotStarted.
public static void ClearAllCredentials()
Gets a credential object for the specified uri and authentication type.
public NetworkCredential GetCredential(Uri uri, string authType)
uri is the URI, including port, for which the client is providing authentication.
authType is the type of authentication requested.
This method is only used for anonymous authentication. If authType is not "Basic", an empty object is returned. For more information about the NetworkCredential class, see NetworkCredential Class.
Returns true if the authorization request failed because of an invalid cookie or credentials.
public static bool IsRequestUnauthorized(ClientRequestFailedEventArgs failedEventArgs)
Gets or sets an indicator of whether smart routing is enabled.
public bool AllowSmartRouting
When smart routing is enabled, the Authenticator object tries to connect to the server that is running SharePoint and the UAG server and uses whichever responds first as its communication channel. If there is no UAG server, this property is ignored. The default is true. If set to false, the UAG server is always used.
Gets or sets the authentication mode.
public ClientAuthenticationMode AuthenticationMode
For more information about the ClientAuthenticationMode enum, see later in this document.
Gets or sets an indicator of whether cookies are cached.
public bool CookieCachingEnabled
If you enable caching of cookies, consider that the cookies expire at some point. If they are expired when ExecuteQueryAsync is called, then it fails and the callback for failure runs. Accordingly, if you set this property to true, you must add code to the callback for failure that clears the cache if this happens. Here is an example, where execQueryArgs
is of the type ClientRequestFailedEventArgs passed in the failure callback of ExecuteQueryAsync.
if (Authenticator.IsRequestUnauthorized(execQueryArgs))
(sender as Authenticator).ClearCookies();
Gets or sets an indicator of whether credentials are cached.
public bool CredentialCachingEnabled
Gets or sets the domain or computer for the credential, usually this is the domain of the current user.
public string Domain
When this property is set to a new value, the Status property is set to NotStarted.
Gets or sets a indicator of whether the user should be navigated back to the previous page from the login page.
public bool NavigateBackAfterAuthentication
Gets or sets the password for the credential.
public string Password
When this property is set to a new value, the Status property is set to NotStarted.
Gets or sets an indicator of whether the user should be prompted to enter a name and password if initial authentication fails.
public bool PromptOnFailure
Status (read-only)
Gets the status of the attempt to authenticate.
public AuthenticationStatus Status
See earlier in this document for information about the AuthenticationStatus class.
Gets or sets the URL of the UAG server.
public Uri UagServerUrl
Gets or sets the user name for the credential.
public string UserName
When this property is set to a new value, the Status property is set to NotStarted.
Raised when the authentication attempt is completed, regardless of whether it succeeded.
public event EventHandler<AuthenticationCompletedEventArgs> AuthenticationCompleted;
Specifies an authentication mode for an Authenticator object. This is an existing enum to which a new value, BrowserBasedAuthentication has been added.
Type | Description |
FormsAuthentication | Represents forms-based authentication mode |
Anonymous | Represents anonymous access mode |
BrowserBasedAuthentication | Represents Microsoft Office Forms Based Authentication (MSOFBA) mode |
Provides methods for authenticating a user on a SharePoint website.
public class ODataAuthenticator : Authenticator
The constructors are identical to the parent class constructors. For more information, see Authenticator Class earlier in this document.
Authenticates a user to the specified website.
public new void Authenticate(Uri serverUrl)
The new
keyword is used because the parent class has an internal method of the same name.
CookieContainer (read-only)
Gets a container with the cookies for requests to the website.
public new CookieContainer CookieContainer
The new
keyword is used because the parent class has an internal method of the same name.
ResolvedUrl (read-only)
Gets the URL that is used for communication to the server that is running SharePoint when an ODataAuthenticator is being used. This may be the URL published on the UAG server or, if the AllowSmartRouting property is true, this may be the SharePoint intranet URL if it is reached first when the Authenticate method is called.
public Uri ResolvedUrl
Provides a method for getting the Alternate URLs of the web application that contains a website.
public static class ServerSettings
Gets the alternate URLs of the specified website.
public static ClientObjectList<AlternateUrl> GetAlternateUrls(ClientRuntimeContext context)
context is the an object that represents the current client context.
See earlier in this document for information about the AlternateUrl class.
All classes in this section are in the Microsoft.SharePoint namespace. Except where specified, these are all available also in the client object model. For classes that begin with "SP", the client object model name has the "SP" removed. In other cases, the client object model name is specified. Member names are the same in the client object model except where specified otherwise.
(Not available in client object model.)
Governs the rendering of SPFieldGeolocation fields. An object of this type is used as the value of the FieldRenderingControl property of a SPFieldGeolocation object.
public class GeolocationFieldControl : BaseFieldControl
In connection with this class, note also that there are two rendering templates, one for Display mode and one for New and Edit mode. They are defined in the file %SHAREPOINTROOT%\TEMPLATE\ControlTemplates\DefaultTemplates.ascx.
The following are used to render the field in the New and Edit modes.
protected TextBox m_latitudeBox;
protected TextBox m_longitudeBox;
protected Label m_longitudeLabel;
protected Label m_latitudeLabel;
No non-derived public properties are introduced with this class. There are standard overrides of some derived methods as indicated in the following table.
Method | This override??? |
CreateChildControls |
Creates the child controls including a JavaScript map control for Display mode. |
Focus |
Gives focus to the longitude textbox child control. |
OnPreRender |
Calls the base method. |
Validate |
Validates the latitude and longitude values that appear in the user interface (UI). This does not validate the Longitude and Latitude properties of the underlying SPFieldGeolocatonValue object, which will differ if the user has changed one or more of these values in the UI and not yet saved the changes. |
No non-derived public properties are introduced with this class. There are standard overrides of some derived properties as indicated in the following table.
Property | This override... |
CssClass |
Behaves just like the parent implementation. |
DefaultTemplateName |
Returns "GeolocationField" |
DisplayTemplateName |
Returns "GeolocationDisplayField" |
Value |
Gets or sets the value that is rendered by using a SPFieldGeolocationValue object. |
Represents a field (column) that holds a location on the globe defined by longitude, latitude, and possibly altitude.
public class SPFieldGeolocation : SPField
In connection with this class, the Geolocation field type is defined in % SHAREPOINTROOT%\TEMPLATE\XML\fldtypes.xml.
Initializes a new instance of the SPFieldGeolocation class.
public SPFieldGeolocation(SPFieldCollection fields, string fieldName)
public SPFieldGeolocation(SPFieldCollection fields, string fieldName, string displayName)
fields is the collection of field types to which the new field type object is added.
fieldName is an internal name of the new field type.
displayName is a friendly name of the new field type.
Gets the value of the field so that it can be rendered on the client.
public override object GetFieldValueForClientRender(SPItem item, SPControlMode mode)
item is the current list item.
mode is the current rendering mode such as New, Edit, or Display.
Gets the field schema as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).
public override Dictionary<string, object> GetJsonClientFormFieldSchema(SPControlMode mode)
mode is the current rendering mode such as New, Edit, or Display.
Verifies that the specified list item is not null and then verifies that the string is structured in compliance with Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards and returns it as an object that is castable to the SPFieldGeolocationValue type.
public override object ValidateAndParseValue(SPListItem item, string value)
item is a list item that is to be updated with the value.
value is a string representation of a geolocation value.
The following methods are standard overrides of inherited methods that were in SharePoint 2010. The specific information for this class is in the following table.
Method | This override... |
GetFieldValue(String s) |
Returns the specified value as an Object that is castable to SPFieldGeolocationValue. |
GetFieldValueAsText(Object o) |
Wraps GetValidatedString. |
GetValidatedString(Object o) |
Verifies that the specified value is structured in compliance with Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards and returns it as a string. |
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript file that renders the fields of the SPFieldGeolocation type.
The JSLink property is not supported on Survey or Events lists. A SharePoint calendar is an Events list.
public override string JSLink
The default value is "clienttemplates.js|Geolocationfieldtemplate.js|".
Gets the SPMobileGeolocationField object that renders the field.
public override SPMobileBaseFieldControl FieldRenderingMobileControl
This property replaces the obsolete FieldRenderingMobileControl.
The other properties are standard overrides of inherited properties that were in SharePoint 2010. The specific information for this class is in the following table.
Property | The override... |
FieldValueType |
Returns typeof(SPFieldGeolocationValue). |
FieldRenderingControl |
Returns a GeolocationFieldControl object. |
Filterable |
Returns false. |
Sortable |
Returns false. |
[Obsolete] FieldRenderingMobileControl |
Returns a SPMobileGeolocationField object. |
Represents a location on the globe defined by longitude, latitude, and possibly altitude too.
public class SPFieldGeolocationValue : SPFieldGeographyValue
Initializes a new instance of the SPFieldGeolocationValue class.
public SPFieldGeolocationValue()
public SPFieldGeolocationValue(string fieldValue)
public SPFieldGeolocationValue(double latitude, double longitude)
public SPFieldGeolocationValue(double latitude, double longitude, double altitude, double measure)
fieldValue is a string in one of the following Well-Known Text (WKT) formats:
"Point( longitude latitude)", where longitude and latitude are strings of one or more numerals, optionally including one period (which is interpreted as a decimal point) and optionally beginning with a hyphen (which is interpreted as a negative sign).
"Point( longitude latitude altitude measure)", where longitude, latitude, altitude, and measure are strings of one or more numerals, optionally including one period (which is interpreted as a decimal point) and optionally beginning with a hyphen (which is interpreted as a negative sign).
latitude is the latitude and must be between -90.0 and 90.0.
longitude is the longitude and must be between -180.0 and 180.0.
altitude is the altitude.
measure is an alternate designation of the point. See the Measure property later in this section for more information.
This override returns one of the following, depending on whether the Altitude or Measure properties have been assigned a non-null value.
If neither Altitude nor Measure have been assigned a non-null value:
"Point( longitude latitude)", where longitude and latitude are strings of one or more numerals, optionally including one period (which is interpreted as a decimal point) and optionally beginning with a hyphen (which is interpreted as a negative sign).
Otherwise (at least one of Altitude or Measure have been assigned a non-null value):
"Point(longitude latitude altitude measure)", where longitude, latitude, altitude, and measure are strings of one or more numerals, optionally including one period (which is interpreted as a decimal point) and optionally beginning with a hyphen (which is interpreted as a negative sign). If either Altitude or Measure has not been assigned a non-null value, it is reported as "0" in the value of the WellKnownText property. The converse does not hold: if either Altitude or Measure is reported as 0, that might be because it was never assigned a non-null value, but it might be because it was assigned 0.
public override string ToString()
Wraps ToString.
public string ToWellKnownText()
Gets or sets the altitude of the location. Use of this property is optional and the assumed unit-of-measure (for example, meters) and zero-point (for example, sea level or center-of-the-earth) is user-defined.
public double Altitude
Gets or sets the latitude of the location.
public double Latitude
The value must be between -90.0 and 90.0.
Gets or sets the longitude of the location.
public double Longitude
The value must be between -180.0 and 180.0..
Gets or sets a user-defined alternate designation of the location point. For example, if the point is along a highway with milestone markers, this property could be used to hold the number of the milestone that is nearest to the point. If the point is in a public camping area with numbered campsites, this property could be used to hold the number of the nearest campsite. The semantics of the property are entirely user-determined and its use is optional.
public double Measure
A new value has been added to this enum:
A base class for classes that represent the content of a phone notification. Derived classes must declare one or more fields or properties to hold the content and must implement the PreparePayload method to transform the content into a byte array.
public abstract class SPPhoneNotificationContent
When implemented in a derived class, transforms the content into a Byte array that is sent over the wire to the notification service. There is no default implementation so a derived class must implement this method.
protected internal abstract byte[] PreparePayload();
NotificationType (read-only)
Gets the type of notification (for example, tile or toast) for which the content is intended.
public SPPhoneNotificationType NotificationType
For information about the SPPhoneNotificationType, see later in this document.
SubscriberType (read-only)
Gets the type of the subscriber's device, for example, a Windows Phone.
public SPPhoneNotificationSubscriberType SubscriberType
For information about the SPPhoneNotificationSubscriberType, see later in this document.
Represents the outcome of an attempt to send a notification.
public class SPPhoneNotificationResponse
Creates an SPPhoneNotificationResponse object.
public static SPPhoneNotificationResponse
Create(SPPhoneNotificationSubscriberType subscriberType,
SPPhoneNotificationType notificationType, HttpWebResponse response)
subscriberType is the device, such as Windows Phone 7.5.
notificationType is the type of notification, such as toast or tile.
response is the HTTP response object that was generated by the server.
For more information about SPPhoneNotificationSubscriberType and SPPhoneNotificationType, see later in this document.
NotificationType (read-only)
Gets the type of notification (for example, toast or tile).
public SPPhoneNotificationType NotificationType
For information about the SPPhoneNotificationType, see later in this document.
ServiceToken (read-only)
Gets the token of the notification service that was used in the notification.
public string ServiceToken
StatusCode (read-only)
Gets the HTTP status code. A string version of a HttpStatusCode value.
public string StatusCode
Gets or sets the type of device to which the notification was sent.
public SPPhoneNotificationSubscriberType SubscriberType
For information about the SPPhoneNotificationSubscriberType, see later in this document.
TimeStamp (read-only)
The UTC time of the notification.
public DateTime Timestamp
A base class for classes that represent a subscriber to notifications issued by a server-side SharePoint application.
public abstract class SPPhoneNotificationSubscriber
Sends the specified notification content to the subscriber with error checking.
public SPPhoneNotificationResponse Notify(SPPhoneNotificationContent notificationContent)
notificationContent is information about the event that triggered the notification.
This method cannot be overridden. It wraps the abstract NotifyInternal method and ensures that certain error checking is done when NotifyInternal is called.
For more information about the SPPhoneNotificationContent and SPPhoneNotificationResponse classes, see earlier in this document.
When overridden in a derived class, sends the specified notification content to the subscriber.
protected abstract SPPhoneNotificationResponse NotifyInternal(SPPhoneNotificationContent notificationContent);
notificationContent is information about the event that triggered the notification.
For more information about the SPPhoneNotificationContent and SPPhoneNotificationResponse classes, see earlier in this document.
Returns selected properties of the object as a string.
public override string ToString()
The default implementation includes the ParentWeb, ApplicationTag, and DeviceAppInstanceId properties.
Saves a (possibly changed) SPPhoneNotificationSubscriber object to the website's Subscriber Store.
public void Update()
When implemented in a derived class, validates selected properties of the object.
protected abstract void ValidateSubscriberProperties();
Gets or sets a custom arguments string which represents the state of the notifications subscription. This string could be used by the application logic to differentiate between its notification subscribers for different kinds of notifications.
public string CustomArgs
DeviceAppInstanceId (read-only)
Gets an ID for the specific instance of the application on the phone or other mobile device.
public Guid DeviceAppInstanceId
LastModifiedTimeStamp (read-only)
Gets the date and time when the subscriber was last modified.
public DateTime LastModifiedTimeStamp
RegistrationTimeStamp (read-only)
Gets the date and time when the subscriber registered for notifications.
public DateTime RegistrationTimeStamp
Gets or sets delivery channel information that is needed by a notification service, such as channel URI.
public string ServiceToken
SubscriberType (read-only)
Gets the type of the device, such as Windows Phone 7.
public SPPhoneNotificationSubscriberType SubscriberType
For information about the SPPhoneNotificationSubscriberType class, see later in this document.
User (read-only)
Gets the user who registered for notifications.
public SPUser User
A collection of notification subscribers. The collection object takes Int32 indexers.
public sealed class SPPhoneNotificationSubscriberCollection : SPBaseCollection
Gets the number of items in the collection.
public override int Count
Specifies a type of device that can receive notifications.
Notification | Device |
WP7 |
Windows Phone 7.5 |
Custom |
Any device other than Windows Phone 7.5 |
Specifies the type of notification.
-None -Tile -Toast -Raw
The following members have been added to this class.
Gets a value that indicates whether the current user is a subscriber for the specified instance of the specified app.
public bool DoesPhoneNotificationSubscriberExist(Guid deviceAppInstanceId)
Gets a notification subscriber with the specified application and phone IDs from the website's notification Subscription Store list.
public SPPhoneNotificationSubscriber GetPhoneNotificationSubscriber(Guid deviceAppInstanceId)
deviceAppInstanceId is an ID for the instance of the application on a specific phone or device.
For information about the SPPhoneNotificationSubscriber class see earlier in this document.
GetPhoneNotificationSubscribers (overloaded)
Gets a collection of notification subscribers from the website's notification Subscription Store list, optionally filtering on the ID of the phone applications and possibly also on one of the following: the user or some custom arguments.
public SPPhoneNotificationSubscriberCollection GetPhoneNotificationSubscribers(string customArgs)
Client object model name is GetPhoneNotificationSubscribersByArgs.
public SPPhoneNotificationSubscriberCollection GetPhoneNotificationSubscribers(string user)
Client object model name is GetPhoneNotificationSubscribersByUser.
customArgs are additional custom information that some notification-enabled applications may use.
user is the user who registered for the notifications.
For information about the SPPhoneNotificationSubscriberCollection class see earlier in this document.
Registers a phone app on a phone to receive notifications.
public SPPhoneNotificationSubscriber RegisterPhoneNotificationSubscriber(SPPhoneNotificationSubscriberType subscriberType, Guid deviceAppInstanceId, string serviceToken)
subscriberType is the device type, such as Windows Phone 7.
deviceAppInstanceId is an ID for the instance of the app on a specific phone or device.
serviceToken is the token that is used by the notification service that sends notifications to the subscriber.
For information about SPPhoneNotificationSubscriberType, see earlier in this document.
Unregisters a phone app on a phone from receiving notifications.
public void UnregisterPhoneNotificationSubscriber(Guid deviceAppInstanceId)
deviceAppInstanceId is an ID for the instance of the app on a specific phone or device.
PhoneNotificationSubscribers (read-only)
Gets a collection of all the phone notification subscribers in the website's Subscriber Store.
public SPPhoneNotificationSubscriberCollection PhoneNotificationSubscribers
For information about the SPPhoneNotificationSubscriberCollection class, see earlier in this document.
Represents the content of a tile notification.
public sealed class WP7NotificationTileContent : SPPhoneNotificationContent
Initializes a new instance of the WP7NotificationTileContent class.
public WP7NotificationTileContent()
Transforms the content into a Byte array that is sent over the wire to the notification service.
protected internal override byte[] PreparePayload();
Gets or sets the count of the notification. Must be from -1 to 99 inclusive.
public int Count
Setting the property to -1 will not change the count over the tile.
Gets or sets the title of the tile notification.
public string Title
Gets or sets the path to the tile's background image.
public string BackgroundImagePath
Gets or sets the background image of the back side of a flipping tile.
public string BackBackgroundImagePath
Gets or sets the content of the back side of a flipping tile.
public string BackContent
Gets or sets of the title that appears on the back side of a flipping tile.
public string BackTitle
Gets or sets the ID of the tile.
public string TileId
Represents the content of a toast notification.
public sealed class WP7NotificationToastContent : SPPhoneNotificationContent
Initializes a new instance of the WP7NotificationToastContent class.
public WP7NotificationToastContent()
Transforms the content into a Byte array that is sent over the wire to the notification service.
protected internal override byte[] PreparePayload();
Gets or sets the message of the toast notification.
public string Message
Gets or sets the title of the toast notification.
public string Title
Gets or sets custom settings data that is passed to the receiving application if the user responds to the toast notification.
public string Param
This property can be used to pass information to the receiving application such as a URL or a set of name-value pairs.
Represents the content of a raw notification.
public sealed class WP7NotificationRawContent : SPPhoneNotificationContent
Initializes a new instance of the WP7NotificationRawContent class.
public WP7NotificationRawContent()
Transforms the content into a Byte array that is sent over the wire to the notification service.
protected internal override byte[] PreparePayload();
Gets or sets the message of the raw notification.
public string Message
Represents the outcome of an attempt to send a notification to a Windows Phone 7 subscriber.
public WP7PhoneNotificationResponse(SPPhoneNotificationType notificationType, HttpWebResponse response)
notificationType is the type of notification, such as toast or tile.
response is the HTTP response object that was generated by the server.
For more information about SPPhoneNotificationType, see earlier in this document.
NotificationStatus (read-only)
Gets the notification status, for example, success or failure.
public string NotificationStatus
DeviceConnectionStatus (read-only)
Gets the status of the device at the time of the notification.
public string DeviceConnectionStatus
SubscriptionStatus (read-only)
The subscription status of the device at the time of the notification.
public string SubscriptionStatus
MessageId (read-only)
Gets the ID of the message that was sent in the notification.
public string MessageId
Microsoft 365 Community Conference
May 6, 2 PM - May 9, 12 AM
Skill up for the era of AI at the ultimate community-led Microsoft 365 event, May 6-8 in Las Vegas.
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