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Web part in the SharePoint Add-in model

The approach you take to create portable page components is different in the new SharePoint Add-in model than it was with Full Trust Code. In a typical Full Trust Code (FTC) / Farm Solution scenario, web parts were created to implement portable page components.

In an SharePoint Add-in model scenario, Add-in Parts (App Parts) are created to implement portable page components. Add-in parts use client side code.

High Level Guidelines

As a rule of a thumb, we would like to provide the following high level guidelines regarding Add-in Parts.

  • You cannot run server side code in Add-in Parts.
  • You cannot create custom editor parts for Add-in Parts.
  • Use the Add-in Script Part to link to JavaScript that is used to interact with SharePoint and other services and create a user interface.
  • By default, custom properties you add to editor parts are always shown as the final group in an editor part.

Getting Started

Add-in Parts may be easily created by using the out-of-the-box Add-in Script Part. This allows you to provide a link to a JavaScript file hosted anywhere. The JavaScript file uses client side code to interact with SharePoint or other services and render a user interface.

The following article describes the Add-in Script Part pattern and how to use it.

The following sample demonstrates how to use an Add-in Script Part to integrate with Yammer, Bing Maps, and Google Maps.

The following video walks you through the code sample.

PnP samples

Applies to

  • Office 365 Multi Tenant (MT)
  • Office 365 Dedicated (D)
  • SharePoint 2013 on-premises