Extending Webpack in the SharePoint Framework toolchain

Webpack is a JavaScript module bundler that takes your JavaScript files and their dependencies and generates one or more JavaScript files, so you can load different pieces of code for different scenarios.

The framework toolchain uses CommonJS for bundling. This enables you to define modules and where you want to use them. The toolchain also uses SystemJS, a universal module loader, to load your modules. This helps you to scope your web parts by making sure that each web part is executed in its own namespace.

One common task you can add to the SharePoint Framework toolchain is to extend the Webpack configuration with custom loaders and plug-ins.

Using Webpack loaders

There are many cases where you might like to import and use a non-JavaScript resource during development, which is typically done with images or templates. A Webpack loader converts the resource into something that can be utilized by your JavaScript application, or provides a simple reference that your JavaScript application can understand.

For example, a markdown template may be compiled and converted to a text string, while an image resource may be converted to an inlined Base64 image, or it may be referenced as a URL and copied to your dist directory for deployment.

There are many useful loaders, several of which are already used by the standard SharePoint Framework Webpack configuration, such as:

  • html-loader
  • json-loader
  • loader-load-themed-styles

Extending the framework Webpack configuration with custom loaders is a straightforward process that is documented at Webpack Loaders.

Example: Using the markdown-loader package

As an example, let's use the markdown-loader package. It's a loader that allows you to reference an .md file and output it as an HTML string.

You can download the completed sample at samples/js-extend-webpack.

Step 1 - Install the package

Reference markdown-loader in our project:

npm i --save markdown-loader

Step 2 - Configure Webpack

Now that we have the package installed, let's configure the SharePoint Framework Webpack configuration to include markdown-loader.

In the documentation of markdown-loader, it shows how to extend the Webpack configuration to include the loader:

  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.md$/,
        use: [
            loader: 'html-loader'
            loader: 'markdown-loader',
            options: {
              /* options for markdown-loader here */

Let's take a look at what this configuration is doing:

  • The rules array in the Webpack configuration defines a set of file path tests and the loaders that should be used when a resource is found that matches the test. In this case, the test property checks for file paths that end with .md.
  • The use array describes a list of loaders that are applied sequentially to the resource. They're applied from last to first. In this case, the first loader to be applied is markdown-loader, and the last loader to be applied is html-loader.
  • When multiple loaders are specified, the result of each loader is piped to the next.

We'll use this information to configure it in our project.

To add this custom loader into the SharePoint Framework Webpack configuration, we need to instruct the build task to configure Webpack. The build tasks are defined in the gulpfile.js that is located at the root of your project.

Edit the gulpfile.js and add the following code right before build.initialize(gulp);:

  additionalConfiguration: (generatedConfiguration) => {
        test: /\.md$/,
        use: [
            loader: 'html-loader'
            loader: 'markdown-loader'

    return generatedConfiguration;

Let's walk through what this code snippet is doing:

  • The ConfigureWebpackTask (instantiated as build.configureWebpack) configures Webpack for us. There're numerous special configuration that happens to build SPFx projects, so there's some nontrivial logic in this task.
  • The ConfigureWebpackTask takes an optional additionalConfiguration property. We want to set this property to a function that takes the generated configuration, makes our modifications to it, and then returns the updated configuration. This function must return a Webpack configuration to the toolchain, otherwise Webpack will not be configured correctly.
  • Inside the body of the function that we set to additionalConfiguration, simply push a new rule onto the existing set of rules in the configuration. Notice that this new rule is similar to the example in the configuration snippet at the top of Step 2.


While you are able to completely replace the toolchain's default Webpack configuration by using this approach, to get the maximum benefit with performance and optimization, it is not recommended to do so unless stated otherwise in the documentation.

Step 3 - Update your code

Now that we've configured the loader, let's update our code and add a few files to test the scenario.

  1. Create a file ./src/my-markdown.md with some markdown text in it.

    #Hello Markdown
    *Markdown* is a simple markup format to write content.
    You can also format text as **bold** or *italics* or ***bold italics***

When you build the project, the Webpack markdown-loader converts this markdown text to an HTML string.

  1. To use this HTML string in any of your source .ts files, add the following require() line at the top of the file after your imports, for example:

    const markdownString: string = require<string>('./../../../../src/my-markdown.md');

    Webpack by default looks in the lib folder for the file, but by default .md files don't get copied to the lib folder, meaning that we need to create a rather lengthy relative path. We can control this setting by defining a config file to tell the toolchain to copy md files to the lib folder.

  2. Create a file ./config/copy-static-assets.json to tell the build system to copy some additional files from src to lib. This build task copies files with extensions that the default toolchain Webpack configuration understands (like png and json), so we just need to tell it to also copy md files.

      "includeExtensions": [
  3. Now instead of using the relative path, you can use the file path in your require statement, for example:

    const markdownString: string = require<string>('./../../readme.md');
  4. You can then reference this string in your code, for example:

    public render(): void {
      this.domElement.innerHTML = markdownString;

Step 4 - Build and test your code

To build and test your code, execute the following command in a console in the root of your project directory:

gulp serve

See also