Microsoft OneDrive commercial office hours

The OneDrive product and engineering team now offers monthly office hours for commercial and education IT Admins and partners. You can join this one-hour Teams meeting to ask us questions, share your feedback, and learn more about the features we're building for the future. You can sign up here: Sign up for OneDrive Office Hours.

OneDrive office hours

When: Third Wednesday of each month, 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. PST

Where: Teams meeting

How to sign up: Complete this short form to have an invite sent to you: Sign up for OneDrive Office Hours.

Agenda: The typical agenda for the meeting looks like this:

  • Roadmap: We'll discuss and demo upcoming features on the public roadmap (5-10 mins)

  • Feedback: We'll present a topic and ask for your feedback usually via a single-question poll in Teams (2-5 mins)

  • Q&A: we'll answer OneDrive questions and field your questions and suggestions. (~45 mins)

You may opt out of OneDrive office hours at any time.

You can opt out of the meeting invitation list. This will ensure that you no longer get office hours meeting invitations, though any information submitted prior to leaving, such as messages in meeting chat, will persist. To opt out of office hours just reply to the office hours meeting invite and let us know that you'd like to unsubscribe.

A note on privacy

OneDrive office hours are Microsoft Teams meetings. All meeting participants including Microsoft employees will be able to see each other's name and work email address while in the office hours meeting and in the meeting chat.