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SharePoint crawl error "The content processing pipeline failed to process the item"

You can use the crawl log in your SharePoint Search service application to track the status of crawled content.


On the Crawl Log - Error Breakdown page, the following error entry is logged:

The content processing pipeline failed to process the item.

When you select the value in the Count column, that link takes you to the Crawl Log - URL View page. There, you see an error message that resembles the following example:

The content processing pipeline failed to process the item. ( Error parsing document ssic://72. It was not possible to acquire a worker. Failed to start acquired worker; ; SearchID = <GUID> )

In the ULS logs on the server that hosts the content processing component, one of the following entries is logged:

  • Date Time NodeRunnerContent1-c5596cf9-a02 (0x1180) 0x3850 Search Document Parsing ai3n0 Monitorable SandboxWorker[1]: Parser server failed to start. Exception: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Process needs SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege. Cannot continue. at Microsoft.Ceres.Common.Tools.Sandbox.SandBoxInterop.StartProcess(SandBoxedProcessArguments sbpArgs, Boolean fSuspended, ProcessInformation* psandBoxProcessInfo) at Microsoft.Ceres.Common.Tools.Sandbox.SandBoxedProcess.StartProcessSuspended(SandBoxedProcessArguments sbpArgs) at Microsoft.Ceres.Common.Tools.Sandbox.SandboxLauncher.Launcher.Start(String application, String arguments, Int32 memoryLimitMegabytes, Boolean suspended, SecurityIdentifier uniqueSidToAllow, Boolean loopForJobMessages, IThreadManager threadManager) at Microsoft.Ceres.DocParsing.Runtime.Core.Sandbox.SandboxWorker.StartServer() at Microsoft.Ceres.DocParsing.Runtime.Core.Sandbox.SandboxWorker.StartRetry()

  • Date Time NodeRunnerContent1-c5596cf9-a02 (0x0F40) 0x14F0 Search Document Parsing ai3n0 Monitorable SandboxWorker[1]: Parser server failed to start. Exception: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Process needs SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege. Cannot continue. at Microsoft.Ceres.Common.Tools.Sandbox.SandBoxInterop.StartProcess(SandBoxedProcessArguments sbpArgs, Boolean fSuspended, ProcessInformation* psandBoxProcessInfo) at Microsoft.Ceres.Common.Tools.Sandbox.SandBoxedProcess.StartProcessSuspended(SandBoxedProcessArguments sbpArgs) at Microsoft.Ceres.Common.Tools.Sandbox.SandboxLauncher.Launcher.Start(String application, String arguments, Int32 memoryLimitMegabytes, Boolean suspended, SecurityIdentifier uniqueSidToAllow, Boolean loopForJobMessages, IThreadManager threadManager) at Microsoft.Ceres.DocParsing.Runtime.Core.Sandbox.SandboxWorker.StartServer() at Microsoft.Ceres.DocParsing.Runtime.Core.Sandbox.SandboxWorker.StartRetry()


This issue occurs if the service account for Windows Service – Search Host Controller Service doesn't have the following required user rights:

  • Replace a process level token (SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege): Allows the Microsoft SharePoint Search Component (Noderunner.exe) to modify the security access token of the ParserServer.exe process. This means that the process is created as a different user from the current user.
  • Adjust memory quotas for a process (SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege): Allows the Microsoft SharePoint Search Component (Noderunner.exe) to adjust the memory quota of the ParserServer.exe process. This makes sure that the ParserServer.exe process doesn't consume too much memory.


To fix the issue, assign the required user rights to the service account by using one of the following consoles:

  • The Group Policy Management Console (gpmc.msc)
  • The Local Group Policy Editor console (gpedit.msc)
  • The Local Security Policy console (secpol.msc)

To configure the User Rights Assignment settings, see Configure security policy settings. Add the service account to both security policies.


The service account also requires the following user rights:

For more information about the User Rights Assignment security policy settings, see User Rights Assignment.