Scan Google Sheet spreadsheets with Migration Manager


Due to the limitations of the Google API quota, Sheet Scan operates with a restricted scope on each sheet file. Specifically, the sheet scan examines only the top 1,000 cells or the first 100 errors identified, whichever condition is met first, then the scan process for that sheet file will conclude.

A sheet scan is a scanning feature that exposes issues such as incompatible formulas and invalid embedded links in Google Sheets when exported and transferred to Microsoft Excel files. Migration Manager generates sheet reports listing issues discovered in the sheet scan process. The sheet scan is turned off by default. Once you enable it in project settings, it's automatically run as part of the general scan process.

Learn more:


You must grant the Microsoft 365 Migration app access to all your Google Sheets spreadsheets in Google Marketplace. Spreadsheet access must be granted before Migration Manager can run a sheet scan on your Google Sheets.

Grant access to Google Sheets

  1. Sign in with your Google admin credentials to Google Marketplace.
  2. Under Drive, verify that "See all your Google Sheets spreadsheets” status shows Granted.

You must grant Google Spreadsheet permissions before Migration Manager can run a sheet scan on Google Sheets. Learn how here:

Screenshot that shows google permissions granting for gsheet

  1. If it hasn't been granted, select Grant access at the top of the page to grant access.
  2. Once access has been granted, Migration Manager can run sheet scans for Google Sheets spreadsheet files.

Enable Sheet scan

To enable a Google Sheet scan in a Google Drive migration project:

  1. Select Project Settings in the top-right toolbar.
  2. Select the Advanced tab.
  3. Select Enable Google Sheet scan setting. Once enabled, the sheet scan is automatically included as part of the general scan.

Sheet scan reports

Once a general scan is done, it may take a while for the Sheet Scan reports to be generated. To download Sheet Scan reports, select one or multiple scan tasks, and then select “Download reports – Sheet summary/Sheet detailed” from the action bar.

Report type Download menu Tasks selection limit Report name Report Description
Sheet Summary Download report – Sheet summary Can select up to 1000 tasks SheetSummary.csv A summary of Google Sheets of each selected task
Sheet detailed Download report – Sheet detailed Can select up to 100 tasks - SheetItem.csv
- SheetIssue.csv
SheetItem.csv: Lists all the Google Sheets files scanned and whether they have issues or not
SheetIssue.csv: Lists issue details of selected tasks


A summary of Google Sheets of each selected task. Each line represents a summary of each task selected.

Column name Description
TaskId ID of the selected task, used for troubleshooting.
Name Display name of the selected task in the source.
SourcePath Source path of the selected task.
TotalGSheet The number of Google Sheets found in the task.
GSheetWithIssue The number of Google Sheets in the task with issues found.
Issues Total number of issues found in the task.
SheetScanStatus Status of the sheet scan process.


List all the Google Sheets files scanned and whether they have issues or not.

Column name Description
TaskId ID of the selected task, used for troubleshooting.
TransactionID Every time when task is run, it's a transaction. Transaction ID is used for troubleshooting.
Name Display name of the selected task in the source.
SourcePath Source path of the selected task.
FullPath Full path of the item in the source.
LastModified Last modified time of the Google Sheets file.
IssueCount Total number of issues found in the Google Sheets file.


Issue details of selected tasks.

Column name Description
TaskId ID of the selected task, used for troubleshooting.
TransactionID Every time when task is run, it's a transaction. Transaction ID is used for troubleshooting.
Name Display name of the selected task in the source.
SourcePath Source path of the selected task.
FullPath Full path of the item in the source.
LastModified Last modified time of the Google Sheets file.
SheetName The name of the Google Sheets file.
IssueType Type of issue found.
IssueDetail Details of the issue found.
CellLocation Location of the cell with issue found.
CellContent Original content of the cell with issue found.