
CLR Exception E0434352

A CLR Exception is a type of Exception made by .NET applications. The exception is encapsulated in a class derived from the System.Exception class.

The Exception Code is 0xE0434352 (a.k.a. Error "CCR" in ASCII).

The first Exception Parameter (0) is the HRESULT of the error.

Follow these steps when debugging these issues with the Debugging Tools for Windows:

  1. .exr -1
    • Exception Code
    • Parameter[0] - HRESULT
  2. !sos.pe
    • Exception object - address of class instance
    • Exception type - Class name of the exception
    • Message - String description of the exception
    • Inner Exception - Address of the inner exception
    • Stack Trace
  3. !sos.do <address>
    • Members of the class
    • For example, the System.IO.FileNotFoundException class has _fileName and _fusionLog members that (sometimes) specify the missing file and/or the CLR Logging of Assembly Load issues (Fusion Logging).

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