
AI Show Live - Episode 26 - Automate Data Extraction from ID documents with Azure Form Recognizer

Today Seth welcomes Lu Zhang back to the AI Show. Lu will walk us through how to use the new prebuilt model in Azure Form Recognizer to extract key-value pairs from ID documents like passport and US driver's license, using the REST APIs, SDKs or low-code/no-code in AI Builder. Stay tuned as we get back to working on the Roshambo game.

Jump to:
[03:55]  Seth joins the show
[07:48]  On today's show
[14:15]   Automate Data Extraction from ID documents with Azure Form Recognizer
[14:39]  What is Azure Form Recognizer?
[15:17]  Form Recognizer Capabilities: Layout, Prebuilt(s) and Custom
[15:46]  Challenges with ID documents
[16:51]  Demo
[17:42]  What is FOTT?
[18:47]  Leveraging Python SDK and REST API to extract data from ID documents
[24:21]  Demo low code, no code with AI Builder
[26:48]  Q&A
[27:52]  Back to work on building the intelligent online Roshambo game with AzureML

Learn more:
Azure Form Recognizer Get Started https://aka.ms/AIShow/FormRecognizer/Get-Started
Form Recognizer Client Library SDKs https://aka.ms/AIShow/FormRecognizer/ClientLibrarySDKs Form Recognizer API doc https://aka.ms/AIShow/FormRecognizerAPI/Doc
Prebuilt ID doc https://aka.ms/AIShow/PrebuiltID/Doc

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